35- Imagine

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All I saw was pure white light, as I lay on what felt like grass. I struggled to keep my eyes open due to the sun, just as I was about to close my eyes a shadow come over the light and as my vision adjusted Ollie's beautiful smile came into view, shielding me from the light. He looked so happy as he leaned in agonisingly slow and our lips touched, it jolted me awake.

I was dreaming.

I woke but didn't open my eyes, I just felt my skin on his and trust me, I love that feeling. My lips hovered over his knuckles before I was rudely interrupted.

"Hey A, I've got you clothes and a fruit salad" Gabby swanned in the room loud as ever, sipping on some kind of drink from the sound of it and dropped a bag down at my feet.

"Shhh I've only just woke up" I hushed her, finally opening my eyes and taking in the painful light.

I rub the sleep from my eyes and glance at Ollie, he looks the same. His tan skin slightly more pale than usual, his lips chapped, and the only movement is the rise and fall of hid broad chest.

"so I checked on the others, they're doing good" Gabby says with hesitation as she glances at Ollie.

I want to be happy for them but I can't feel the slightest shred of happiness and I feel so selfish because of it nonetheless I force a slight smile and simply reply "glad to hear that."

"Although you don't look too great"

"Gee, thanks Gabby"

"No, really you look poorly, it's probably the lack of sleep, you really need to look after yourself" she scolded me, sounding like my mum.

Gabby stayed with me for a little while after I got changed and it was nice to take my mind off of things for a little bit.

When she left, I picked up the fruit salad and I finished the whole thing, even the bananas and I hate bananas.

I left Ollie a couple of times in the day to let other people visit him and to try to get more information off the doctor, to which I got none.

Joey and Sebastian were discharged a little while ago and they are doing good.

I've spoken to everyone as cheery as I possibly can but I can tell they know it's all an act.

I miss him, I miss him so much it hurts.

Why won't he just wake up?

I need him.

Picking up his hand, I gave it a little squeeze.

"Just wake up please" I whispered in a shaky breath.

His arm connected with my lips as I leaned down to press a kiss on his prominent veins.

"I love you so much"

I leaned my head on his stomach as my finger tips lightly made patterns on his arm, to anyone it looked like random patterns but I was really just writing his name in cursive over and over again, as sad as that sounds.

In a perfect world he would wake up and stroke my hair, maybe say something totally hilarious and maybe even kiss me but we don't live in a perfect world.

I closed my eyes and imagined it all out, I could almost feel him stroking my hair if I concentrate hard enough. It feels like an out of body thing, it's had to explain.

His hand would drop down onto my head as his fingers would glide down my hair, playing with the ends, before travelling back up to repeat.

A shiver travelled down my spine and I concentrated harder as the feelings became to feel real and I didn't want it to end.

He started to massage my head and I imagine it to feel amazing.

His touch definitely does things to me, the connection and chemistry our bodies have with one an others is electric.

"Why can't this be real?" I said aloud as my imagination carried on taking me to amazing places.

"This is real" his voice answers.

"Nope, this is a figment of my imagination" I sigh, concentrating on his voice in my head and loving how it sounds.

I miss his voice, I miss his everything.

I love this though, it's like escaping real life to my own life with Ollie, in my head.

Gosh, I sound crazy.

I'm losing my mind! I can still feel his hand stroking my head, I can hear his voice, what's wrong with me?

"If this was a figment of your imagination would I say this? You look severely constipated right now" as I took in his words my brows knitted together and the concentration on my face melted away and was replaced with confusion.

The realisation hit me like a truck as my head shot up from his stomach and I was staring into the ocean blue foudroyant eyes of Ollie.

His hand moved from my hair to cup my face.

My eyes closed at his touch and when I opened them again he was really awake in front of me.

This is real, he's awake, he's touching me, he's smiling.

The overwhelming feeling of too many emotions hit me and I can't stop the breakdown of tears that fall from my shocked eyes.

"Hey, shh don't cry Lia. I'm fine.... I think" he laughs at his own statement.

I've missed his humour, I've missed everything.

"I was just so scared, you weren't ever going to wake up" I cried even more, to the point where I couldn't catch my breath.

He took me into his arms and held me "I'm here, I'm awake and I love you" his lips collided with mine and this time, it was real, even though his lips were slightly cracked this was one of the best kisses we've shared.

It was filled with love, need and the saltiness of my ever going tears.

Sorry it's been a while and sorry this is short but I've been in two minds about how I wanted this chapter to end for a while and I picked the happier one as I feel like I'd get sooo much hate for the other LOL but I hope you enjoyed. Please vote, comment, all that good stuff☺️

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