Chapter 27

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Everyone piled into Sebastian's huge Range Rover.

I sat right at the back with Ollie as the car pulled out of the drive way and catfish and the bottlemen blasted through the speakers.

Everyone was on a high, singing along and chatting loudly over the music and I smiled to myself at Joey's horrible singing hurting my ears.

I looked up at Ollie and he was already looking at me.

He opened his arms out and I found myself scooting closer to him.

Putting both of my legs over one of his as his arm wrapped around me.

Over all the noise going on in the car this moment felt so peaceful, it's like we're the only ones here.

He grabbed my hand and traced out on my palm an 'l' then he traced a love heart then 'u' and brought my hand up to his lips and kissed my knuckles.

My heart swelled, I never thought I'd feel love like this, I never really believed in true love after my destructive last relationship but I can now say I fully believe looking into Ollie's eyes and seeing the same love, its an overwhelming feeling.

All I could do was kiss him and it wasn't soft at all.

I smacked my lips on his showing all my love through the kiss.

It took him a couple seconds to get over the shock but once he did he kissed me back just as aggressively.

I've missed his kisses, heck I've missed his everything.

My hands went up to the back of his neck and his hands went on my thighs pulling me more onto his lap.

As I felt myself slipping off his lap I nudged myself back up and as I did Ollie whispered "don't do that" and bit my lip.

I realised we were in the car with our friends and not alone when Joey shouted "hey Sebastian, Ollie and Amelia are practically fucking on your backseat!"

That's when I pulled away and sat back next to him.

"You better not be, I just got this car cleaned"

Everyone turned around and I couldn't hide my embarrassment.

"Doesn't look like any fucking is going on there and they're both fully dressed so stop being a peeping Tom you perv" Nina said as she smacked Joey on the back of the head to make him turn around then she gave me a little wink and went back to talking to Gabby.

"Later" Ollie whispered so quietly into my ear in that sexy voice he does that makes me go weak at the knees.

We pulled up at the lake a little while after.

I was expecting a small average speedboat but this one was big with an upstairs part.

Nina let out a whistle "what did you guys do, rob a bank?"

"No we just know how to run a business" Christian called over his shoulder as we all headed over to the boat.

The boat was so nice and we all got a turn to drive it with careful watch of Christian and Sebastian.

Oh and Nina nearly killed us but that's not really much of a surprise.

The sun was out kissing my skin as the wind whipped through my hair.

We all sat around and talked but no one brought up what happened the last couple of days which I was glad for.

I couldn't stop laughing at Sebastian and Christian. Talking about the times when they were younger and when one got sick of a girlfriend they'd just swap places and the girls would never know.

They spoke with such ease and confidence they could pass for professional comedians.

We stayed on the water for a while but after Gabby threw up 3 times we'd thought we'd call it a day on the boat.

I put my arm around her as we stepped off the boat "are you sure you're alright now?"

"Yeah I'm good, it was just the speed that made me sick" she said.

"Well you don't want to be in a car with me when I race" I laughed and patted her back gently.

"Or me" Ollie butted in to which we all laughed.

Sebastian soon joined the conversation "I'll make sure to drive slow on the way to the pub, as I mentioned before, I've just had that car cleaned"

"Yeah, strictly no fucking or puking on his precious seats" Christian said cheekily.

We all burst out laughing, I already like Sebastian and Christian, you know those fast friends you have? when you just hit it off with straight away.

It went from being just me Gabs and Nina now we have our own little group and I've never laughed so much or felt as comfortable with a group of guys then what I have with these.


Christian and Sebastian's dads pub had a homely feeling to it.

There was a huge bar with bar stools covering the whole of the back of the rowdy pub.

There was various tables with some people eating and some people having a drink.

There was pictures of Manchester United all over the pub and a big fire place with couches around it.

It was a little busy but everyone seemed to know everyone.

We saw a huge beer garden in the back as we walked in. with lots of bench tables with big umbrellas and outdoor heaters where a lot of what looked liked students sat.

"Is that my boys, Seb, Chris?" A low voice called from behind the bar. "And is that you Ollie?!"

"Dad!" They both shouted at the same time as Ollie shouted "uncle Mike"

They ran behind the bar and hugged each other whilst me, Gabby, Nina, Joey and Dale sat on bar stools facing them.

As they got aquatinted we ordered a drink off a barmaid.

I was on my second Malibu and Coke when I heard "so which one of you beautiful young ladies is Amelia then?"

I looked up to see Mike. He had kind piercing blue eyes, brown hair that's slightly greying and the only wrinkles on his face are the smile creases between his eyes and mouth.

"That would be me" I raised my hand and smiled at him.

"You must be special, I've asked how Ollie was doing and your name came up at least 12 times" he laughed and it was one of those laughs that made you join in.

"Yeah they're pretty smitten with each other" Dale added from next to me.

"Ah young love, it changes a guy" Mike said.

"It's changed her too, believe it or not but she was a loner thug before she got with Ollie" Gabby laughed.

"Hey! That's not true" I pouted.

Everyone just laughed at me which made me cross my arms like a child.

"So who's for a pint on the house?" Mike changed the subject.

"I'm not going to say no" Joey chuckled.

"The boys are out in the beer garden, go out and I'll bring the drinks"

We hopped off the bar stools and headed to the lively beer garden and sat with Ollie, Christian and Sebastian.

We spent hours in the pub drinking and laughing and it's safe to say I'm a little drunk now.

I just wanted to show the group growing and getting closer and I wanted to do a longer chapter so sorry if it was a bit repetitive.

Vote, comment just do you boo ;)

~Shannon X

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