Chapter 7- car building

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I hopped in the shower and washed away the sweat from dance. I let my hair dry on it's own.
I put on a black patterned T-shirt, white shorts and black converse. I turned Netflix on and picked out 'White House down' because Channing is my god! Seriously Channing is my man. I was only up to the bit when the bomb was just about to go off when I heard a tap at my window. I ignored it. Tap. Again what the heck, I slowly got up and walked to my balcony and there Ollie was, the balcony facing mine, I've always wondered which room was his, is that weird?

"I was thinking we could start the project now, to get a head start on everyone" I couldn't refuse, I really, really wanted to win. "Okay, where?" I had some parts in my garage and I'm sure Ollie did too. "My garage?" He asked "sure, I'll be over in 5" I turned off Netflix and headed downstairs for some car parts, we couldn't work in my garage, it's pretty full, my dad is a wealthy man. He had three cars my mum had one, I had two although my silver Porsche 911 is at my uncles garage not so far from here and I also had a purple moped which I got for my 16th birthday. I grabbed a few boxes that have been collecting dust in my garage for a few months and carried them over to Ollie's.
I dropped the boxes when I got outside his garage, he better hurry up, it's so hot. I put both of my hands on my hips to show I was annoyed with him taking so long. The garage door started to open and then Ollie appeared, he stared right at me for a while. "What?" I asked he snapped out of his daze and plastered a smirk onto his lips. "Nothing, your just cute when you're trying to act all annoyed" he said as he ruffled my hair. "Don't patronise me Turner" I growled "whatever you say love" I just rolled my eyes and got pieces out of the boxes. "These are pieces from a Chevrolet corvette zr1 I was supposed to build with my dad but he got busy with work so I guess we could do it for the project" he looked over the pieces "impressive,  I brought the pieces from college as well" Ollie started on the power system which is mostly the engine, I helped out here and there but I was focusing on the steering system and brakes. We spent hours and hours on the car we talked the whole time and Ollie was doing loads of crap jokes, it was dark outside, I'm surprised my parents haven't told me to come in yet since they passed us at like 6 when they got home. Me and Ollie both started on the body of the car and it's actually looking slightly like a car even if it didn't have seats or tires yet and we still had to look at the suspension and power train system, a lot had to be done. I went under the car to hook up the oil and I felt myself drifting off to sleep, I was so tired, it must of been like 1 or 2 in the morning. "Amelia?" I couldn't open my eyes "AMELIA!" 

" hmm yeah yeah I wasn't asleep I was just resting my eyes" I said as I got from under the car. "Sure you was, why don't we call it a night?" I needed sleep, I bet I looked horrid. "Yeah, what time is it?" "4 in the morning" what?! Shit. "My parents will be asleep, they probably thought I had my keys with me, I wasn't expecting to stay out this late, I just get lost in the moment" I rambled on. "Shh Amelia it's fine, you can stay here, we can ditch tomorrow and finish off the car, then we'll be way ahead of everyone" I wasn't one of those goody goody kinda girls. Me, Gabby and Nina occasionally ditch if it's a particularly shitty day. "Sure" I said rubbing my eyes and yawning. Ollie locked the garage and I followed him into his house. It was just like mine but his had a more homey feel, with Millie's toys everywhere and dozens of family pictures above the banister of the stairs. If felt warmer and welcoming. My mum was a clean freak, everything had to have it's place. I looked at every pictures as I walked up the stairs. A lot of small ones of Ollie as a kid and Millie as a baby, then the big one of Ollie, Millie and his mum. I followed Ollie to a room I assume as his. A big bed directly in the middle,next to it was his patio doors leading to his balcony, the walls were blue and black his desk was in the corner covered in paper and I assume his laptop is under all of that. He had two gaming chairs that sat in front of his TV, next to his TV was a door and if it's anything like my room it will probably be his closet and bathroom.

"Nice" I said yawning "thanks" he said as he threw me dark blue big t-shirt that smelled like his aftershave. As he stepped into his closet to change I quickly took my top off and swapped it for Ollie's, it went to about mid thigh, I took my shorts and converse off. I folded my clothes and put them on his messy desk. I stood there awkwardly as he came out shirtless and in basket ball shorts. I tired not to stare at his abs as I spoke. "Sooo is there any spare rooms?" I asked "there's one down the hall, or you can just stay here" his eyes were full of amusement as he mimicked me from the other night. "Dickhead" I muttered playfully as I jumped on the huge bed and slid under the covers, he chuckled as he to got under the covers too. Ollie immediately moved closer to me so my back was against his chest and he rested his arm over my waist. I knew this was weird because we were only just friends but why does is feel so right. I was so comfortable around him. His breath was tickling my neck and it made me shiver all over my back. "Night Lia" I smiled at his words, I know it was just a nickname but it made my insides warm. "Night Ollie" and I drifted into a deep sleep.-------

Sooo what about that?

Later on in the book I will do some heated scenes but I'm not rushing it (I will warn before hand if you're too young for the heated scenes)

Please let me know what you guys think so far.


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