Chapter 29- planning revenge

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The boys have been in the study all day.

All I've heard is discussing, shouting and a lot of frustrated sighs.

They won't let me or the girls so much as knock on the door.

They're trying to figure out where the gang have gone and what they're going to do to get revenge.

I know they need more men but that's really the only thing I know.

"Why are they so secretive? This whole thing involves you and if it involves you it involves us, you're practically our sister!" Gabby tutted.

"I think it's better the less we know because they could be putting themselves in danger and if I know what they're plan is I wouldn't let them go through with it" I said as I searched the cupboards for something to make for dinner.

"I know you're right but you guys know I'm nosey" Nina laughed.

"I just wish I knew what they're up to..."


"Well I have 5 men up for the job" Sebastian said as he typed on his laptop.

"So your 5 men can pose as their men and turn on them when we hustle the place, Christian, Joey any leads on where they are?"

Joey was still checking the phone he picked up off the floor in the run down hotel because he was still getting messages coming through on it.

He couldn't send much back because it would blow our cover but it was a big help to us.

"They're leaving hints  I'm guessing Manchester but I want to be 100% sure" Joey said his eyes not moving from the phone in his hands.

"Is everyone clear on their roles because this is the last time I'm going to say it. Me, Christian and Sebastian will go in and fight who ever is in our way and hopefully your 5 men will lead us right to the boss. Dale you're the driver and look out, tell us if even one guy comes in after us. Joey I need you to turn off the power when I say, hack the main computer so we have something against them later on" I briefly went over their roles for the 20th time today.

They know everything in detail so I didn't bother telling them again.

"Dale take care of the handsets, night vision goggles and guns" Sebastian spoke finally looking up from what he was searching on the laptop.

"On it" was his only response.

"Do you think 10 men will be enough?" Joey piped in.

"Well it'll have to be. Only 10 men will fit in the van, we can't go in raiding them with 100 men they'll see it coming, we need to be low, clever and sneaky." I looked out of the window as I said this, clenching my fists because all I wanted to do was get revenge for what they did to Amelia.

"So when will the heist happen?" Dale asked.

"Well as soon as possible" I slammed my fist down.

"At least give my men 2 weeks to get inside with the gang" Sebastian spoke.

I knew he was right but I didn't want to wait that long.

"You're right, okay we'll talk again later, let's go get some food" I spoke as I smelt something cooking downstairs.

I guess now is just a waiting game.


Amelia made everyone pasta, meatballs and garlic bread.

Which I had 2 plates of.

It seems like the stress of the whole day was gone when everyone was together around one table eating and laughing.

Amelia took my hand under the table and when my eyes reached hers all I saw was worry.

She didn't know our plan but I'm guessing she's thinking the worst.

She knows first hand what these guys are like and at that thought I squeeze her hand a little tighter.

I know I'm putting myself in danger and I have no idea what I'm going to do when I get to the boss of the gang but I can't let anyone hurt my Lia and get away with it.

She didn't deserve what happened to her.

If I don't do this we'll both be living in fear for the rest of our lives and that isn't a life I want to live.

I hate the feeling I get in my stomach when Amelia constantly looks over her shoulder with fear on her face.

I'm going to fight anyone in my path to take the fear away.

"I'll do the dishes" I spoke above everyone's chatter.

At my words everyone got up and took their drinks into the lounge thankful they didn't have to clean up.

"I'll help" I whipped my head around to see Amelia stood there smiling at me.

"No Lia, you cooked, I'll wash"

She ignored my words and started picking up plates.

"No, go in there and relax you spent all afternoon cooking" I said as I took the plates from her and grabbed both of her hands.

"I don't want to leave, I haven't seen you all day, I miss you" she frowned.

I couldn't help but wrap my arms tightly around her.

"Take a seat on the worktop, you can watch" I gave her a huge grin as I lifted her up on the worktop.

She just laughed as I filled the sink up with water and soap.

It was silent as I did the dishes.

Just the occasional glance and smile.

I knew she wanted to know something but she kept on holding it in.

"I won't ask about your plan but all I want to know is how long till you do it?" Her face looks scared for my response.

I hesitate before I say "two weeks."

She takes a deep breath.

"I want you to come back in one piece please" she mumbles so quietly that I barely hear her.

"Baby, please don't think about it now, can we just enjoy being with each other" I dried my hands and took a place in between her legs.

She nodded and I couldn't help but stare into her bright, innocent eyes.

Unexpectedly I stole a kiss from her lips and her hands instantly went around my neck.

She leaned in more and depended the kiss.

"Ew you guys make me want to vom" Nina spoke and I kissed all over Amelia's face which made Nina fake gag and Amelia giggle.

"C'mon lets join the rest, we'll talk tonight" I turned around and gave her a piggy back into the lounge.

Racing with the bad boyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora