Chapter 7: Study Buddies

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                          Ayanokoji Pov

The white walls loomed in front of me, in the deep dark of the woods.  The building was a large dome hidden in the woods, entirely white.  When I first left the place, I was surprised how it wasn't found yet.  It was like a massive beacon, screaming,"Hello we are commuting illegal activities, now come down and arrest us!"

The doors to the place creaked open and beckoned me in, like an open mouth.  'F this shit I'm out.' I thought to myself as I began to back away. 

The ground, however, began to suck me in like a treadmill on high.  The door opened wider, to the point where the area around the doors began to crack, like a smile as it continued to suck me in.



"You should have died"

"Why did you even have to be born?"

"Die, die, die!"

Hundreds of hands, adult and children, reached out and swiped at me.  A hand clawed me across the face and another caught hold of me.  More and more caught hold and they began to drag me into the gaping mouth, the wide door, of the white room...




My alarm clock rang on my bedside table as I rubbed my eyes.  I sat up in bed and felt chills all over my body.  I remembered that dream, everything about it.  The voices of the people who died in that place, haunting the smooth white walls, trapped in infinite torture.  I knew those in the investor group wanted it down for that reason.  That's exactly why the white room shut down for a year, because some investors called on detectives

Enough about that place; I don't intend in ever going back.  That place is truly despicable, that man is truly despicable.  He claimed his way o from the darkest out of hell, and I hope with all of the 1% remaining of my heart, that he falls deep back into the pits.

I yawned and took a hot shower, letting the water run over me as I thought about todays schedule.  Regular classes, then study group, and finally some shopping with some people.  This is the negative side of being popular; you have no time to yourself.  Not that I mind though, back in the White Room, alone time was all you got if you weren't seeing your friends being mutilated for failing to run fast.

I think maybe that's why I want to be popular.  From my peers, I was hated for being Ayanokoji, not Kiyotaka, just Ayanokoji.  All the attention I ever received was hate, so I suppose I now crave that human positive attention.  I don't think that's too bad, not one bit...

I finished my work o it then took another shower, and then made a quick breakfast and lunch.  On my way to school, I saw a lone Karuizawa.  Strange, she usually walks to school with others, I wonder why she is alone?

Ayanokoji: Hey, Karuizawa-San!  What's up?

Karuizawa: Hm?  Oh, hey Ayanokoji-Kun.  Nothing much is happening, what about you?

She quickly responded, it didn't seem like she was in a social mood at all.  In fact, ever since swim class, she seemed a bit mentally drained.  I wonder why?

Ayanokoji: You seemed to be a bit drained after swim class, is something wrong?

Karuizawa: Ah it was just Ike and Yamauchi who bothered me.  Nothing to worry about!

It seemed like a fake answer, but I highly doubt that.  She the two perverts didn't care much for ember because she wasn't endowed with feminine characteristics that much.  Is it something in her history?  Maybe she has a probables with her weight.  After all, there are rising cases about girls with problems because of the high bar about woman's looks and weight.

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