Sickkoji to Ayanokoji: The Angel vs. The Book Worm SS

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                          Ayanokoji Pov
Ayanokoji: Mmm...Ugh, what time is it?

I unconsciously spoke to myself as I woke up.  I was sick and got to take a nap all day.  I looked over to see my alarm clock display 6:30 at night.  I fell asleep at 3:56 I think?  I've been sleeping this long for a nap it seems.  Beside the alarm clock, I saw Kikyo who was scrolling through her phone with a smile on her face.  She had a blush as well.

What was she looking at, Hentai?

She looked up and noticed me after I spoke and she stood up and walked over to me.  The bed was really, really warm.  Like two people slept in it.  But I was also really hot at the moment.  Currently, my body is in a fight with the fever inside of me.  The body heats up when fighting the disease so to kill the said disease and my body was no different.

Kikyo: Hey, you. You're finally awake.  You were trying to cross the border, right?  Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there.

Ayanokoji: What?  Border?

Kikyo: Uhh, I never mentioned anything about a border?  I said you were finally awake, and I borderline thought you died.  Anyways, how are you feeling?

Ayanokoji: I think I'm feeling pretty good.  But my head still hurts and-

Kikyo: Say no more!  You have a cute girl to watch over and help you!

Ayanokoji: I see no cute girl here.

Kikyo: You are lucky that you're my friend you know that?

Ayanokoji: Sure.  You do know I'm gonna abuse that later?

Kikyo: Yes, and one day you will be punished dearly.  Anyways, what do you want to eat?

Ayanokoji: More soup maybe?

Kikyo: Are you sure, I can always make something like...oh wait I am not a good cook.

Ayanokoji: Maybe I can teach you sometime or something.  But yeah, soup is fine for me.

Kikyo: Welp, if you say so!

She walked into the kitchen and began to make the soup while I shifted around in the bed.  I smelled around and I could smell perfume but my nose was too congested for me to make any inference on to whom the perfume belonged.  I looked around and saw the still large pile of medicine the many girls brought for me.  I'm going to have to sort it all somewhere, with space I don't have!  I checked my phone and saw a swarm of messages from girls and guys alike.  Ever since I helped save Yamauchi by keeping Class B together, many boys started to like me and not hate me.  Of course, they were still jealous, but they were all bugs compared to me, the great AyanoGOD!  I also saw a text from Horikita that piqued my interest:

Horibitch: Get well soon and come back to class soon❤️

Horibitch: Sorry I meant 👍.  That's the closest I could find to a hand with missing fingers so that's what is going to happen if you don't come back soon.

Ayanokoji: Jeez ok!  I'll come back soon, did you miss me that much?

Horibitch: Burn in hell.

I put my phone down after answering more messages.  It was work to be popular I guess.  In the meantime, Kikyo returned with some soup.

Ayanokoji: Thanks for the meal.

I dug in was pretty good.  It wasn't nearly as good as when I made it and this soup was the same brand and same type of soup.  I wonder why it tasted so good.  Probably cause it was made by a cute girl with big boobies.

Kikyo: You better not be having perverted thoughts about me.  Or else I will put chili powder in your soup.

Ayanokoji: I was not!  And why do I think you would actually do it? 

Kikyo: Because I am not a pussy!  Unlike the ugly bitch we call Horikita.

Ayanokoji: Why mention her now?

Kikyo: Well her fat ass comes over here while you're napping and has the audacity to try and wake you up!  Of course I told her ugly ass off, but she said,"Tell me when he wakes up again and make sure he can come back to class soon."  Like nobody asked you, you dumb stupid ass bitch faced ugly pig!  I hope she gets the Black Plague or something and chokes on the her own foot!

Ayanokoji: Uh, ok.  Good for you?

Kikyo: I hope you choke on that soup! 

Ayanokoji: What for?

Kikyo: For making me take care of you!  I could have been out at karaoke but noooo I'm with your snotty ass!

Ayanokoji: I didn't make you volunteer at all!  But it is a plus, I get a cute girl to make me food and-

Kikyo: I'm going to stop you before I slap you so hard you look like a pufferfish on helium.

She was blushing and she stood up to go to the bathroom.  In the meantime, I sent Manabitch a message as X. 

Bigfoot: Stay tuned to see what he sent her! 

Ant: Was it nudes?

Author: No?

Coincidentally, there was knock on the door.

Kikyo was in the bathroom so I stood up and opened it to see my book buddy Shiina.

Shiina: Oh hey Ayanokoji-Kun!  I was wondering if you wanted to read together.  It's been awhile and I found a new book we could read together!

Ayanokoji: Oh hey Shiina.  What book did you want to read?

Shiina: This new series I found Dangonronpa!

Author: I fell down the rabbit hole ok?

Ayanokoji: Sure I have no problem.  Let's get started!

Shiina: Oh wow, you have a lot of medicine in here.  I guess all your friends were worried about you huh?

Kikyo: Oh, Kiyotaka-Kun, I see Shiina-San is here?

She said this in a suggestive way with an eyebrow raised.  What did she expect?

Ayanokoji: Yeah, this is my book buddy, we like to read together.

Kikyo: It seems being sick fried your brain; Of course I know what a book buddy is!  I'm Kushida Kikyo!

Shiina: I'm Shiina Hiyori!

I could feel Kikyo giving daggers at Shiina who responded with toothpicks.  Both of them were my best friends kinda, so then fighting a bit makes sense...Why do I feel such a chill though? 

Author: Amazing I know.  I said Shiina was giving toothpicks cause she doesn't realize she likes our main man, more like he is one of her favorite people and she likes him but doesn't know to what extent.  Our girl Kushida is a batshit crazy Yandere🔪.  Anyhow, that's basically it!  Have a great day and see you next time I update!

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