Sickkoji=CuteKoji? SS

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Ayanokoji Pov
40 degrees...That was my current temperature. I had never been exposed to such sickness due to the sterile place I lived in and the antibiotics we were given in our tasteless meals. I was in my bed with a headache and my muscles severely weakened. It was from the rain yesterday, I got sick after having to run through the rain for so long. Guess I have to email Chabashira-Sensei...

Ayanokoji: Dear Chabashira-Sensei:

I am sick and unable to attend classes today. Will the class be losing points?

Chabashira: No, the class will not lose points for this. Make sure to get medicine and I hope you feel better soon.

A day off I guess...I stood up and almost immediately had to sit back down. This sickness was debilitating for some reason...A/N: Duh, we are taking the Slice of Life sickness route!

I stood up and managed to get a can of soup and made some for myself. I slurped the whole thing down within minutes and went back to bed. Time to take a nap...


It was a few hours later when my doorbell rang and I stood up to open it. At the door was none other than Kikyo and my friends of Airi, Akito, etc.

Ayanokoji: Bleh, oh hey guys.

Kikyo: Oh Kiyotaka-Kun! You don't look too good...

Akito: Yeah you look like trash right now.

Haruka: Miyachhi don't be mean to my precious Kiyopon!

Ken: Awh c'mon Haruka he didn't mean it!

Ayanokoji: Heh, yeah it's fine.

Haruka: Oh my baby! My poor babies sick! Leave it to momma to take care of you!

Akito: Haruka, what are you doing? And who is the father?!

Haruka: Miyachhi, there comes a time in your life when you need to learn to stop asking questions.

Airi: H-Haruka, who is our dad?

Kikyo: Jeez, you guys are fun!

I could feel the sarcasm leaking from Kikyo, but it seemed unnoticed by the others. Kikyo walked in with the the others and pushed me onto the bed.

Ayanokoji: Kikyo, wha-

Kikyo: Kiyotaka-Kun, you're sick, so let me take care of you! What's your temperature?

Ayanokoji: Somewhere around 40?

Kikyo's eyes widened.

Kikyo: When did you use a thermometer. That's pretty high...

Keisei: At this temperature, you really need to stay inside Kiyotaka. Have you taken any medication?

Ayanokoji: No, nothing. I had soup earlier though!

Haruka: Good thing I bought good medicine!

Kikyo: I'll go get some water!


Keisei: Who is that I wonder?

Keisei opened the door and it was like a flood. Girls poured into the room with large shopping bags and they all crowded skeins my bed. Haruka got shoved to the floor and Ken got pushed against the wall. I even saw Yamauchi and other boys had brought medicine and were astounded by the amount of girls. Ichinose sat at the edge of my bed with tears in her eyes.

Ichinose: Ayanokoji-Kun, I'm so sorry! You probably got sick in the rain because of me!

Ayanokoji: Oh it's ok Ichinose-San! Besides it isn't too bad!

Kikyo: 40 fever...

Kikyo coughed loud enough for everyone to hear and everyone shouted out loud.

Sato: Here's some medicine!

Shiina: Oh uh, I brought books!

Kamuro: Why though?

Shiina: Ayanokoji-Kun and I are friends!

Kamuro: That womanizer.

Kikyo: Alright everyone, calm down! Kiyotaka needs his rest so leave your donations at the door please!

Mii-Chan: Ok!

Everyone left their donations at the dot and proceeded to wish me well.  A few minutes later, they were all gone except for Kikyo.

Kikyo: Kiyotaka-Kun, you should get some sleep.  You still don't look too good, but I'll stay with you to help you get better.

Ayanokoji: Are you sure?  You might get sick from me-

Kikyo put her finger to my lips and shushed me.

Kikyo: No it's fine Kiyotaka-Kun!  I'll help you get back right into tip-top shape!  Oh yeah, and then I need to vent to you.  So get better soon.

I closed my eyes and began to try and fall asleep.  As I feel asleep, I thought I could feel the bed shift.  Must be my imagination...

                        Kushida Pov
Kiyotaka was so cute right now!  The way he needed me for everything was so weirdly satisfying to me, it made me feel like I was in control where he had been in control before. I went into the kitchen and started cleaning up the dishes from his soup and other things. I took this time to look through the cabinets as well to find out what food he likes to eat. Spicy and Sweet foods I see...Good to know! What's not good to know is the amount of girls after him. I don't know why I'm jealous or why I'm so interested in learning more about him. I was watching him the past few days to learn more about him. He really is amazing...

I moved towards the bed and without thinking, for under the covers. I could feel him stir a bit, but only for a minute as he fell asleep. He was cute that way. He shifted around a bit and then settled back down. I was kind of jealous of Horikita. She was smart, athletic, and sits next to Kiyotaka. Again, why am I so jealous?

I stood up and patted him on the head as I walked away, engraving that image into my mind. Maybe taking a picture or two, Whistle.

Just what is happening to me?

Author: Me banging my head into the wall right now. Nothing more to say I guess lol. Have a great day and see you next time I update!

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