Chapter 69: Surprise Villain

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                          Ayanokoji Pov
We had a few people decide what they wanted to do.  I would play a piano piece, Kikyo would sing a song, Hirata would hit targets with a soccer ball, Akito would do archery, and there were a few other suggestions.  As we were packing up for lunch, I received a message on my phone from Ichinose.  She requested my and Horikita's presence in the cafeteria.

Kiyotaka: Yo, Horikita.

Horikita: What?  Is this important?

She looked up from her book as I could feel the bloodlust in the room from my fans who were about to hop over desks like they were Olympic hurdles.  I usually spend my lunch with the Ayanokoji group, Ike and Yamauchi on occasion, and many others.  One of the groups was the girls like Mii-Chan, Sato, Shinohara, and Karuizawa.  I noticed after Hirata and Karuizawa got together, more girls flocked to me. 

Kiyotaka: Ichinose invited us.  She said it was important.

Horikita: If that's the case than let's go. 

She stood up and collected her things.  A compass dropped from her bag and she bent over to get it.  When she bent over, I caught a glimpse of her panties that were a dark shade of blue.  Like midnight darkness.

Horikita, as if sensing my gaze, wheeled around and attempted to stab me with her compass.  She glared at me with the look of death on her face like she wanted to kill me. 

Kiyotaka: What did I do?!

Horikita: Don't act clueless you troll!  Now decide: Suffer mentally?  Or suffer in death?

Kiyotaka: I don't know what I did!

Horikita looked around so no one could hear us.

Horikita: You tried to look at my panties you pervert!

Kiyotaka: Your panties?  No I never did!

I put on my best act and I faced deep into her eyes.  She stopped to consider what I said, and my actions.  I did look at her panties, but she doesn't know that.  And it's not like I did on purpose.  It was a reflex.  As a teenage boy, I have hormones.

Hornykoji: You called?

Down boy down! 

Horikita: If I ever catch you doing that again though, that means you get stabbed twice!

Kiyotaka: I'll make sure it never happens!

I turned around to go to the door but I felt a sharp pain in my arm...

We entered the cafeteria while I rubbed the open wound on my arm.  Horikita had stabbed me with her compass after I turned my back.  I still have much to learn when fighting Karens.  We looked around and saw Ichinose and Kanzaki waving us down.  We approached the table and sat down and opened up our lunch boxes.

Kanzaki: Ayanokoji, Horikita.  Hello.

Ichinose: Hey guys how has your day been!

Kiyotaka: It's been good!  But what did you ask us here for?

Horikita: It better have been important.

Ichinose: Don't worry, we wouldn't have wasted your time with class matters.  It's about Class D.

Kiyotaka: No doubt you're referring to Tokito.  I have had some people look around and tell me about him.  Right, Horikita?

Horikita: Right.  He offered to help me to try and take control of our class in exchange for favors down the line.

Ichinose: He hasn't reached out to us or at least to our knowledge any of our classmates.

Kanzaki: But we our sure we can trust most of our class besides Himeno.

Kiyotaka: That's smart.  As much as I like my classmates, I can't be 100% that some of them are loyal or maybe some of them are being manipulated.

Ichinose: Oh yeah you did have a traitor problem.  You fixed that though didn't you?

Kiyotaka: That's correct to assume.  I fixed the problem and came to an understanding with the traitor.

Horikita: Yes...

Ichinose: Who was the traitor?  And how did you deal with them?

Kanzaki: That's off topic.  The topic is how do we deal with Tokito.  He's a snake and a playboy. 

Kanzaki shot me a look and Ichinose smiled nervously.

Horikita: Why did Ryuen leave the leader position in the first place?  I haven't payed attention to the gossip.

Ichinose: Really Horikita-San, I thought you would know, hehe!  Even Kanzaki-Kun knows and he isn't one to listen to gossip right?

Horikita: Is that so...

Horikita said with a sharp hook at the end and sharper glare at Ichinose who quickly covered her mouth.

Kiyotaka: Hehe, well it's fine right Horikita? 

Horikita: Totally.

Kanzaki: Well the rumor says Ishizaki defeated Ryuen.

Ichinose: That's highly unlikely though right?  In a 1 v 1 fight, Ryuen has won before multiple times.

Kiyotaka: Could it have been a sneak attack with a weapon?

Ichinose: If so, what kind of weapon would be at his disposal?  Perhaps he borrowed something from the baseball club?

Horikita: Perhaps we should investigate.  To find if it were Ishizaki or someone else.

Kanzaki: Perhaps it was Tokito and he put it on Ishizaki so if the school decided to take action Ishizaki would go down.

Kiyotaka: No Tokito or anyone would have known the school wouldn't interfere unless there were proof.

Ichinose: Unless there was proof?  Maybe there was a witness!

Horikita: So do we find a witness, we could find the truth behind the fight and the true person who defeated Ryuen.

Kanzaki: So we should see what a Ishizaki would have used if any and also look through a witness.

Kiyotaka: But we can't be too overt about it.  Someone might find it strange that we are searching so actively.  So we have to keep this investigation on the down low.

Kanzaki: The question is how do we use the information afterwards.

Kiyotaka: As leverage?  We could try to blackmail the fighter to control them.

Ichinose: Let's meet up after class and we can talk more!

We went back to our classes while I began to think.  They were searching for X, who was me but it would be easy to get them off my trail.  All I had to do was search and then make a fake story.  There was no witness to the fight so that would be an easy red herring.  With no witness, they can find no conclusion to the fight and therefore they cannot find out it was me.  I just need to make sure I don't make anything slip, or if Ishizaki, Ibuki, and Albert tell someone else.

           They will not find the truth

Author: Happy 4th of July!  I did not make a mistake with Kanzaki and Ichinose saying Tokito didn't reach out to them.  Watch out for the plot.  Have a great day and see you next time I update!

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