Chapter 34: The Next Exam

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Author: Volume 5 let's gooooo!

                            Ayanokoji Pov
The school activities had picked up again, as students went to the classrooms in droves.  The classes were full of chatter, discussions of what we did over summer vacation and such.  The class was the same though: Ike and Yamauchi perving, Karuizawa and the gyarus chitchatting, etc.  However one of these people who claimed to be a friend and ally, was a traitor.


Everyone ran to their seats as the bell rang, and Chabashira entered the room.  She had some packets with her and she placed the pile on the podium.

Chabashira: Alright class, homeroom has begun. 

Chabashira was stern and stiff like a massive rock at the head of the classroom.  She took a blue marker and began to write on the board

Special Exam: Sports Festival

There was an immediate uproar in the class as soon as she wrote those magical words on the board.

Ike: Sensei!  How do they change a festival into an exam?!

Karuizawa: Yeah that's totally unfair!

Chabashira: Silence!  Allow me to explain.  But first, pass these packets back down your row.

Chabashira handed packets to the people in the front who passed the packets back.  The packer was at least 10 pages, with the rules and stipulations of the exam

Chabashira: This exam will be testing the students strength.  You will participate in certain activities like the three-legged race, volleyball and swimming.  The classes will be divided into two teams: The White Team, and The Red Team.  Class D and A will be team Red, and Class C and B will be team White.  The classes will try to win events and there are three types of events: Singular, team, and recommendation events.

Chabashira took a pause to survey the class.  I looked to my surroundings.  Horikita was jotting down notes and the more athletic students like Ken were excited to show their worth to the class. 

Chabashira: Singular events will net lower rewards while team competitions will net higher rewards.  Recommend events which the lineup will be decided by the class, will net a moderate amount of rewards as you will see on your papers.

I lowered my eyes and began to scan through the point totals.  Classes may prioritize team victories but singular victories could win the day.

Allocation of points for all participants in the competitions (Individual Contests)
1st placer gets 15 points
2nd placer gets 12 points
3rd placer gets 10 points
4th placer gets 8 points
1 point each will be deducted for placing lower than 5th place.

In the case of team competitions, the winning team will be allocated 500 points.
Allocation of points for participants of recommended competitions
1st placer gets 50 points
2nd placer gets 30 points
3rd placer gets 15 points
4th placer gets 10 points
2 points each will be deducted for placing lower than 5th place
The relay which will be the final contest will be awarding 3 times the points

The relay has the highest reward total, so it's a no brainer to put your strongest members there.  It could change the tide in favor of the losing team.  The sports festival will be a very close exam to who the winner is.

Chabashira: Now let me talk about the rewards.  Since the grades are split into two groups, the losing group will lose 100 class points per class.  For example, if the Red team lost, class 2-A, 2-D, 3-A, 3-D, 1-A, and 1-D would lose 100 points.  But the classes are also judged by how many points racked in.  So you could lose 200 points in this exam if you placed 4th overall in the 1st Year competition.  If you got first, you gain 50 class points, second has no effect, third you lose -50 class points, and 4th place loses -100 class points.  Also, just because you won the team competition doesn't mean you are immune.  Your team could still win but you could still be 4th and lose 100 points. 

Horikita glared at no one in particular at those words, but she was right.  This exam was very cruel to the less athletic students.  I could see Yukimura and a few others shivering.  They could very well cost the class.  Chabashira seemed to find a sick enjoyment and wanted to add on to it.

Chabashira: There are also rewards and demerits for singular individuals.  The top placer in each year can choose between +3 marks on a written test OR 100,000 points.  The second place may choose +2 marks or 50,000 points.  Third place can choose +1 or 25,000 points.  The bottom ten will lose -10 marks on the next exam.  The best student out of all three years will be rewarded with 100,000 points.

Ike and Yamauchi seemed to die inside.  They barely passed most of the time and neither were athletic.  If one of them got this, they might as well drop out now.  One thing I noticed was that there was Universal Participation as a rule, where every person in class will need to participate in at least 3 events

Chabashira: There is a rule about Universal Participation, in which every student will need to participate in at least three events. 

Did she read my mind?  I was just thinking about that.  Then again, she kept throwing me a glance every now and then.  This lady...

Chabashira: There will be a strength test class tomorrow that will record physical abilities.  Once that is over, you may look over the recommended events and select your roster for those events.  Individuals can sign up for whatever individual competition they want.  Team competitions will be decided by both of the class on teams.  You must make a roster for team events with Class A.  Once you finalize the Team and Recommended event rosters, you must give them to your homeroom teacher.  That will be all.

Chabashira left the room to do something else that didn't involve us.  I think she hated us since we were defects but who cares.

Ayanokoji: Ok does anyone want to think about participating in certain events?

Ken: Count me in for all of em!  I'll show my strength to all of you!

Shinohara: Good you better start pulling your weight!  You are as dumb as they come!

Hirata: Shinohara!

Ike: Yeah ugly, shut up before some drops a house on you, witch!

Author: Hehe, that was a Wizard of Oz reference.  Hehe

Horikita: I was instead thinking we pair the less athletic and more athletic students together.  Sure you could win individual competitions, but Ike could end up in the bottom ten.

Ken: Yeah but I need those extra marks!

Ike: If I lose ten marks, I'll die!

Ayanokoji: Horikita-San raised a good idea.  We may lose a bonus, but we won't gain a penalty.  The other classes will get those penalties so in future tests, they won't gain as many points.

Ken: Fine I guess that makes sense.  But man, I dunno about this strategy stuff, I just want to do some sports festival stuff!

Hirata: Yeah it's almost cruel that the school turns a Sports Festival into an exam.

Yukimura: Personally, I wish they wouldn't since students like me struggle in physical activities, so my failure here could easily place us in the cross-hairs and anger of the class

Sotomura: Amen Yukimura-Dono, Amen.

The bell rang and the next teacher came in.  I wasn't really focusing as I mindlessly wrote some notes down as to not be mutilated by Horikita's compass of death.

My mind was somewhere else.  If the class had to turn in a roster to our teacher...

   I can crush the traitor, here and now

Author: Beginning of Volume 5, and the Sports Festival!  I don't have much to say really so yeah that's all!  Have a great day and see you next time I update!

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