Chapter 21: Moral Compass

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                           Ayanokoji Pov

I woke up bright and early, for I had a meeting with someone.  I did the normal work out, obviously sneaking out of my room to avoid waking my roommates.

I will admit, I am not satisfied with the way our class has progressed.  Of course, we made some good victories, but certain members of our class are not going to meet their potentials. 

Horikita Suzune was the Ice Princess of our class.  After I tore into her the night after her fight with Elder Horikita, she started mini toy accepting lunch invitations and participating in class discussions.  However, her potential is great, to the point where she could surpass the likes of Sakayanagi and Elder Horikita.  In the case I am unable to lead the class, it would be helpful to have a backup leader like Horikita.

I went to a popular breakfast spot, but at this time in the morning, there were barely any students around, and most of them were third years who were having a rather taxing exam. 

Horikita: Why'd you call me here Ayanokoji-Kun?

Horikita walked up to the table and sat down.  She seemed to act as she normally does so thankfully walking up early won't ruin her judgment

Ayanokoji: Straight to the point huh?  Well we should get breakfast first.  I am starving, what about you?

Horikita: I figured you would busy me with a breakfast first.

A waitress approached us with a notepad.

Waitress: Hello there!  I see you two are able to get the couples discount?  That's good...oh how I miss young love

The waitress was an older woman who looked to the sky.  Jesus lady I only wanted pancakes not your emotional baggage.  But that couples discount

Horikita: We aren-

Ayanokoji: We are a couple, so could I get a pancake with orange juice please?  Suzune what about you?

I called Horikita by her first name to make this look legit, but she gave me the deadliest stare.  I almost shivered under her gaze

Horikita: Right, well I will have the French toast with orange juice

As the waitress walked away, Horikita yanked out her math compass and practically leapt over the table to stab at me.  No one seemed to notice her attempt to assault me since we were in a secluded area

Ayanokoji: Are you trying to kill me or something?  Was it that bad that I got us a discount?

Horikita: I am trying to kill you! 

Horikita walked back to her chair after stabbing my shoulder.

Horikita: What do you want?

Ayanokoji: Well I was wondering if you wanted to become more involved with leading the class

Horikita's eyes lit up as soon as I finished my sentence, but her eyes soon narrowed

Horikita: What's the catch?

Ayanokoji: Well it's simple: There's no catch.  You have the most potential out of everyone in the class. 

Horikita seemed to ponder it and then her cheeks flushed red a bit before she got a grip.

Horikita: What about people like Kushida and Hirata?

A valid question.  Hirata was athletic and an honors student, and Kikyo has a large circle spanning the whole school, and she too is an honor student

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