Bullies SS

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                                                                                    Karuizawa Pov

I had worked so hard for my safety.  I try to shove it out of my mind, but it comes back every once in a while.  The scars, the cold, the loneliness.  It all reminds me of what happened to me: Bullying.  I was bullied in junior high




Those words were flung at me by my classmates.  They hurt.  They stung.  I attempted once.  I failed though, and I was taken to the hospital.  It only got worse from there.  The bullying got worse, and when I thought I was gonna break, I saw an ad for a special school.  One that was isolated.  I applied immediately and managed to get it!  I was so happy.

Everything went fine.  Kei Karuizawa was popular and secure.  Until she made a mistake.  She was mean to a girl from Class D, and now all of her friends were after me

I walked along the cruise ship and walked to the roof to look at the views.  The island began to disappear as we sailed away.  Our class managed to win,  and everyone was so happy.  

Manabe: Hey biatch

Oh no.  Not her, anyone but her!

Rei: Manabe-San, y-you don't have to do this

Manabe: I do Rei-Chan!  This biatch needs to learn her lesson.

Yahika: Yeah, this biatch needs to pay.

Manabe and her orbiters circled me, snickering at my clear worry

Karuizawa: Hey, back off!

Manabe: Oh not so strong now biatch.  Seems you can only go after innocents huh?

The girls closed in on me as I tried to run

Yahika: You aren't going anywhere, skank

Yahika grabbed me and threw me to the ground, and the bullies began to take out black sharpies

???: Hold it right there!

A voice called out from the top of the stairs.  All the girls immediately ran off to escape whoever it was.  Someone ran over to me and lifted me.  I saw Hirata-Kun behind this person, and I saw Ayanokoji lifting me up

Hirata: Karuizawa-San, are you ok?!

Karuizawa: Y-yeah they weren't able to do anything thanks to you guys

Ayanokoji: I am glad!  Do you know why they did it?

Karuizawa: Well, it-it was because I got into a fight with one of their friends, and they got mad at me

Hirata: A fight, did someone get hurt?

Karuizawa: No it was a verbal fight, nothing more.

Ayanokoji looked at me with a strange look.  Is he some kind of pervert?  No, I doubt it.  I stood up on my own, and quickly ran off, tears brimming in my eyes.

These girls are threatening my peace, my life.  I can't let them do this.  I spun on my heels and dragged Hirata to the side, and thankfully, Ayanokoji read the mood and left the deck.

Hirata: Karuizawa-San, do you need help with this?

Karuizawa: Well yes.  I...Can you be my fake boyfriend?

I blurted out to Hirata.  He gave me a shocked expression

Karuizawa: Listen, I was bullied in junior high.  I don't want it to happen again, so please protect me.  If we are in a relationship, they won't come after me.  Please Hirata-Kun, please.

Hirata: Fine, I will help you.  So call me Yosuke, and I will call you Kei, ok?

Karuizawa: Yes, will do.  Thank you so much Yosuke-Kun!

Yosuke was my knight in shining armor, my hero.  I personally don't love him, and he doesn't love me, but he is helping me. 

                                                        Thank you Hirata Yosuke

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