Assignment SS

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             Author: Quick Tw: Torture descriptions.  If you aren't interested, I will leave a note when it begins and need so you can skip. 

                              Papakoji Pov

I stared at the reports that had built up on my desk after the year of the white room shutdown.  Status updates on the students that had to be relocated. 

Yagami Takuya was the second best student of the white room.  His scores were right behind the top spot, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.  I believe perhaps the hate system we have brewed among him and the other 5th generation students has strengthened his will to grow.  His scores were nothing to scoff at.  He could give Kiyotaka a run for his money with his abilities

Ichika Amasawa was third, close to Yagami and Kiyotaka, but at the same time, she represented multiple things I created the white room against.  Her family was nothing short of strong: Intelligent, cunning, strong.  The Amasawa bloodline was genetically blessed, which passed onto Ichika.  She had turned to worship Kiyotaka, which did not compare to Yagami's hate fuel.

And finally, the top spot, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.  While I was happy by his achievements, I wish he was not my son.  His successes could be chalked up to me, as his father, giving him better treatment, or genetic prowess.  His results were phenomenal, but he had a flaw: His taste for exploration.  He had escaped with the help of his butler, Matsuo.

I stood from my desk and shoved the reports to the side.  My office was the one thing in this place that wasn't completely white.  A red plush carpet, mahogany bookshelves lined the walls containing research files and books by the best philosophers.  On the other side of the door however, was a white hallway.  No windows, just white


I walked to a side room, and opened the door to reveal what I had put Yagami and a few of my men up to.  The traitor, Matsuo, was chained to the wall.  His face and body was covered with bruises and cuts, blood pooling form his mouth.

Papakoji: Yagami, what have you learned?

Yagami: It toon awhile, he was certainly a tough nut to crack, but I found what we needed.  He and his son taught Ayanokoji about social skills and sheet, but that is irrelevant.  Ayanokoji went to a government school called ANHS.  It's completely isolated, and it doesn't take bribes it seems.

Papakoji: I see...Well it seems you ah e got what we needed.  Go back to training.  I will handle the rest.

Yagami did a small bow and walked out.  I pulled a gun out from my suit, loaded it, and pressed it up to Matsuo's head

Matsuo: Please, I have a son!

Papakoji: Good to know, I will come for him next.

A small sob escaped Matsuo, and I pulled the trigger.  The body became still, a good man, destroyed by compassion.  That's why I am strong.  I shed emotions long ago.  But I still need to make a house visit

Torture over

Papakoji: Now hand over the letter

I extended my hand to the trembling boy, Matsuo Eechiro.  I sat in front of him holding a gun to his head.  He pushed the letter over to me, and I read it over.  I nodded my head

Papakoji: Good job.

I took the letter and out it in my coat pocket.  In exchange, I gave him a file folder.

Matsuo: Are these...?

Papakoji: Yes, the proof that your father is alive

I stood up and walked out the back door, and Tsukishiro closed the door behind me.  Inside the folder I had just given were the pictures of the fathers corpse.  Too and his son had to pay for his fathers sins.  Tsukishiro lit a match as Shiba finished pouring the gasoline, and Tsukishiro threw the match.  The house burst into flames...

                            Tsukishiro Pov

Nanase: S-so, it was those two, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka and his father Atsuomi who killed Eeechiro-Kun?

Shiba: Yes.  Do you want revenge?

Shiba and I were tasked to turn Matsuo Eeechiro's friend, Nanase Tsubasa against the monster.  Ayanokoji-Sensei planned on making contact with the school to attempt to expel Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.  If that doesn't work, he will make a visitation by pulling strings with Director Sakayanagi to have his son sign the drop out forms.  I was also assigned to get some dirt or fabricate a scandal on the Director, than replace him to make exams to expel Kiyotaka.  And if that doesn't work, Nanase will have been trained by the white room, and will then enroll to expel Kiyotaka.  Sensei always had a back-up plan for his back-up plan

Nanase: Yes!  For Eeechiro, I will make those two suffer!

Tsukishiro: Good, Amasawa-San, you may enter

A girl with scarlet hair tied into twin tails entered the room with a smile on her face.  She skipped over and sat next to Nanase

Amasawa: Hello Nanase-Chan!  I am going to be training you in case you are needed for the mission

Nanase: In case?

Shiba: We are going after Ayanokoji Kiyotaka to expel.  You can only be active in around a years time, so you are more of a backup plan.  And don't go after Atsuomi.  He is untouchable as of now.

We don't want to overthrow Ayanokoji-Sensei, but we need to make it seem like we will.  The White Room needs its Masterpiece back...

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