Very Sus SS Part 1

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Author: Yes this is going where you think it's going


                        Ayanokoji Pov

I sat on my bed in my shared room and fiddled with my phone, answering messages.  Every since when I lead the class in the island exam, my popularity went up high.  The distance between me and Aike had closed significantly, and at this rate, I will be second in about a month

The door to my room opened, and I saw Sotomura, Hirata, Ken, and Koenji.  Oddly enough, Koenji hadn't retired, but he disappeared essentially everyday.  When confronted about it, he said he was exploring the sites and using the tropical environment to train his muscles.  Is he a white room student?  No he is too eccentric

Sotomura: Yo Ayanokoji-Sama, do you want to play my game amogus with us and a few others?

Ayanokoji: Amogus?

Ken: It's like a game where you are working somewhere, and there is an impostor or two whose goal is to try and kill off the innocent workers or crew mates.  There will be meetings where crew mates have to vote the impostors out, but no one knows who they are, so you must tel truth and lies to get the impostor

It was like he was reading off of a script.  This game sounds fun though.  A game of truth and lies is my type of game

KiyoD4 joined the lobby

Horikita: KiyoD4?  Ayanokoji-Kun I presume

Demonic_Angel: Hehe, seems like it.  Why did you just put your name as your username?

Horikita: Cause I felt like it

Kushida's#1_fan joined the lobby

Kushida's#1_fan: Oh hey Kushida-Chan!

Ike was probably the #1 fan.  Kikyo was probably the demonic angel, and Horikita was Horikita.  We communicated with proximity chat and typing.  I was having idle conversation with Horikita when someone joined

Average-Kukuku-Enjoyer joined the lobby

KiyoD4: Oh no

Average-Kukuku-Enjoyer: Sup dweebs

Horikita: Ryuen-Kun?!  What are you doing here?

Average-Kukuku-Enjoyer: I am just playing Amogus with my best friends

Horikita: Kill me now

Average-Kukuku-Enjoyer: Will do

Strawberry joined the lobby

Strawberry: Hey everyone!  How's it going?


Both girls squeaked so loudly I felt blood coming out of my ears.  Horikita was screeching in the corner, and the same on Ryuen's end

Kushida's#1fan: Kushida-Chan you should be a singer!  You have such a nice voice~

Was that him trying to be suave?  You could practically hear him drueling

FufufuEnjoyer Joined the lobby

Snek joined the lobby

Shizuku joined the lobby

Spicy Pepper joined the lobby

Starting now...

My screen turned into red as the word impostor sat at the top.  Kikyo was also an impostor.   It's boogy time

Everyone spawned in and I clicked the map button.  There were several tasks I could fake as impostor.  The majority of people headed south into Admin, so I followed.  Kikyo followed shortly after, and I received a message on my phone

Kikyo: I am going to murder Horikita, you in?

How could she say such things and act like it was a friendly gathering?  If she was gonna kill Horikita, I ought to kill Ken, sorry dude.  He had a crush on Horikita for helping him with one on one study sessions for tests and stuff.

I activated my impostor ability, and sealed the doors connecting Cafateria and Storage.  Oddly enough, Ken had left Horikita on her own, and Kikyo, Horikita and I were all alone where no one could hear us

Kikyo: You had this coming biatch

Kikyo leapt over, and mercilessly killed Horikita.  She dashed over to a vent and hopped in, and I ran the other way.


The first of many murders was done

Author: For those thinking they hit their head and this is a hallucination, it isn't.  This is a multiple part SS and I will finish it before tomorrow afternoon I believe.  See you next time I update!

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