Chapter 23: Cornered Animal

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Ayanokoji Pov

Kikyo: So that's basically the gist of it.

Kikyo ended her long wonder speech with a angry sigh. After our meetings we, had received the notification:

Capricorn Group Exam completed

Results will be announced after midnight of the 5th day

What is going on?! First the Taurus group, and now the Capricorn group? Whoever's doing this could be purposefully screwing their own class over or they are a master of deception and know when someone is lying. Kikyo heard from people in that group and they attested that the entire meeting, Class D was targeting Yamauchi for seemingly their own enjoyment.

Kikyo: I kinda wish I was on the Capricorn group. Seeing Yamauchi be ripped apart by Class D would have been so nice. He pisses me off, the way he ogles at my body.

Ayanokoji: I understand that, but aren't you worried about the implications of this?  Assuming there was someone in Class D who was the VIP in the Taurus group, and Class D guessed Yamauchi, that puts us in easy striking distance

A/N: Forgot Class Points After Island!

Class A-974
Class B-857
Class C-807
Class D- 635

If what I said was correct, at the rate we are going, Class D is going to overtake us.  I have my suspicions on who the VIP is for the Cancer group, so if I'm correct that will nullify one loss we faced.  I can only hope that Sato and Onodera can keep their identities secret and the others can find the VIPs.  I already know Class B's VIPs but per the agreement I can't report them. 

Haah, this exam is one big problem for our class...

Time skip

I went to the meeting room at 10:00am and everyone was there except Manabe.  Sakagami was in the room as well

Sakagami: Good it seems everyone has arrived.  The VIP has used their elimination ability and Manabe Shiho is forbidden from participating in this exam.  That is all. 

Sakagami started the timer and left the room.  Ibuki glared and looked at everyone.  Albert sat still as stone, and a few people had to double take to make sure he was still breathing.  Even if they weren't close to Manabe, they could feel a sense of isolation, having less members than the others

Ichinose, who was sitting next to me, had stood up and advanced to the head of the table.  She stood as firm and as solid as she could as if she was trying to be like a wall

Ichinose: Listen everyone, I know we have all seen the Taurus and Capricorn groups end the examination.  If I had to guess, one class won both of those groups, so we can't be like those two groups.  We need to find the VIP before that same class finds them.  And if that same class has the VIP, all the more reasons to go after them.  So I propose we pool all our points and then buy the VIP.  I have 200,000 to add to the pot.  Does anyone else want to donate?

No one else made a move.  Ichinose's plan was idealistic at best.  No one was going to screw their class over for a few points since their classmates would leak it.

Ibuki: Sorry Fairy Tale Princess, but I'm not paying for that crap.  How do we know you won't just take the money and leave?

Ibuki looked annoyed as she stared at Ichinose.  Ichinose stared back

Ichinose: I am trying to help ok?!  What have you done this exam?

Shibata: Ichinose-Chan chill out.  Ibuki-San probably is low on points and all...

Shibata immediately realized what he said and quickly apologized

Yahiko: Cause she's form Class D, that's why she doesn't have points

Yahiko smirked at Ibuki who gave him the glare of death.  Ibuki stood up to advance towards him but Albert forced her down into her chair

Ibuki: If I were VIP, I would have eliminated your snotty face right out of the gate!

Ichinose: If you were VIP?  Are we sure you didn't eliminate Manabe-San to try and throw the heat off of your class to go under the radar?  And plus you don't seem to like Manabe-San do you?

So this was Ichinose's move.  She figured that if she made an obviously untrustworthy plan, it would start an argument and she would be able to throw suspicion on someone.  No one in Class B was the Cancer group VIP, and no one from Class C was the VIP so she went after Class D or A.  Either one would negatively react to the plan

Hashimoto: That may be true, but I hear Ryuen keeps his dogs on a tight leash and taught them not to speak unless they have to.  Then agin, Ibuki-San is one dog that can't be tamed

Hashimoto snickered and grinned at Ibuki as she glared at him.  The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

No one really knew where to go. But Hashimoto's remarks to Ibuki were strange. Hashimoto was by definition, a playboy. He plays with girls not with taunts but by messing up their minds and hearts. That, paired with the fact that Manabe was eliminated after I flaked to Hashimoto, my suspicions of him have gone up. 

At the same time, this could be a scheme from Hashimoto to get people to report him only to find he wasn't the VIP.  I can see through most people, but Hashimoto is a strong liar.  That's the truest strength of Hashimoto Masayoshi. 

There is one side effect of Hashimoto's schemes.  Manabe at nature is a mean and cruel person.  I had seen her bully Karuizawa, but after her elimination, she must be pissed off.  So what else could that mean other than the worst thing for Karuizawa.

    Karuizawa is going to suffer soon

Author: I'm so tired but three updates one day?!  This might be my own critic but that might cost the quality idk.  Have a great day and see you next time I update!

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