Chapter 54: Moving Foward

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                         Ayanokoji Pov
It was a few days after the mock exam had happened.  Yamauchi returned to class almost fully healed with only slight injuries, and everyone that opposed helping him apologized.  It was a shock to many that Yamauchi wasn't actually guilty of the crime, and that Manabe and Ishizaki framed him.  But everyone knew it was Ryuen who put the hit out, but there was no conclusive evidence that pointed to Ryuen's hand in the cookie jar that was Yamauchi's ass.

Horikita: So, how did you do it?

Ayanokoji: What do you mean?

Horikita turned in her seat to face me as she put her book down.  Her black hair whipped around when she turned and it was like bunches of black thread flew around.

Horikita: How did you get the video of the incident with Yamauchi and Ishizaki?

Ayanokoji: I'm afraid I have no idea what you mean.  You should ask Karuizawa since she posted it.

I nodded over to Karuizawa who noticed and gave me a knowing look after looking Horikita.  Karuziawa is perceptive, you have to give her that credit.  At least her hatred of me is filled down for pity of me.  I don't really care though.  I have plans to mold her into my perfect pawn.

Horikita: What was Karuizawa doing on the rooftop I wonder?

Ayanokoji: Maybe she was taking a video or going to meet up with Hirata up there?  The only worrying thing is that she didn't present it when I first asked about it to the class.

Sorry Karuizawa, I hav wit throw you under the bus for my safety here.  I could tell Horikita I gave the video to her, but then she would ask why I was on the rooftop.  Unless I betrayed Kamuro, Horikita would believe I withheld the information for some sick fantasy .

Horikita: I suppose she may have felt nervous and didn't want people to know she was on the rooftop that night. 

Ayanokoji: True, people would ask why she didn't report it right away and instead waited until someone else brought it up to the class.

???: Alright students, quiet down.  There is something important on the agenda to discuss and we do not have much time to unpack it, so listen close.

The bell rang and in came Chabashira-Sensei with a massive poster rolled up in her hand.  She placed it on the marker tray on the board and then turned around.

Chabashira: As we discussed a few days ago, Class C has withdrew their complaint and Yamauchi has just returned to class today.  Yamauchi has already taken the exam from the nurses office.

Yamauchi as Chabashira looked over at him.  When she mentioned Class C withdrew their complaint, she looked at me with an amused look, to which I responded with an eye roll.  She acts like she is surprised that I'm helping even though her big boob self blackmailed into it.  I would do it anyways, but it's still a hassle.  Who knows what she would ask of me beyond this...I'm tired just thinking about it.

Chabashira: Pertaining to that exam, the results have been released.

She took the posted and tacked it up onto the board.  There were results for the pairings for the exam.  We divided it into 4 groups of ten for different scoring levels, ranging from 100 to 1.  I saw my score of hundred paired with Hondo's score of 1.  Horikita was paired with Ken, Hirata with Yamauchi, Kikyo with Ike to name a few pairs.  I noticed Kikyo staring at me  earlier today.  Did I do something wrong?  She's probably just mad that I shoved her out of my room. 

Chabashira: Paper Shuffle is coming soon so study the material we have been covering over the past few months.  Your class has already submitted their questions to me so now study all the material until the day of the test where you will be taking Class C's questions.  That is all for homeroom. Prepare for your next class.

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