Chapter 65: Draconic Roar: Fiery Finish

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Ayanokoji Pov
Kiyotaka: Alright, that's enough geometry dash for now.

I had played Geometry Dash for the past hour in an empty classroom on my phone. It was difficult to adapt at first since I never played that many video games, outside of playing Super Smash Bros with Sotomura, Ike, and Yamauchi. I was a Captain Falcon main at heart and after a few rounds began to dominate the game and Yamauchi.

I finally stood up and began to walk through the school halls.  The moon cast a bright light into the school while the snow drifted through the air.  I shivered just thinking of the cold that awaited me on the roof.  But I suppose Karuizawa is going through something much worse.  Despite the heating, I was still cold, maybe because my heart doesn't warm itself, a cold emotionless organ in my body.

I walked up the stairs and to the rooftop where I saw the doors.  I also heard something rapidly approaching me.  I immediately dove to the ground and sprung up with my hands used as leverage.  At the other side of the hall, coming out from his hiding place was the tank Albert.

Kiyotaka: Hey Albert!  Do not panic.  I'm X.  I'm the one you are looking for.

Albert: Ayanokoji...Come with me.

Albert looked shocked as he led me up the stairs and onto the rooftop.  It was a pretty sight; the snow drifting through the sky whilst the moon shone brightly like the sun almost.  At the center of the rooftop was Ryuen, towering over Karuizawa.  Ibuki was standing near the railing and perked up when she saw me.  Ishizaki was behind me, I could hear him shuffling behind me.  Karuizawa was on the ground, her body making an imprint into the snow.  Her body was shaking rapidly as Ryuen turned his gaze over to me.

Ryuen: So you really came.

Karuizawa: A-yanokoji-Kun....You came...

Kiyotaka: I promised to protect you didn't I?

Karuizawa: I s-s-see...

I moved over to Karuizawa while I brushed past Ryuen.  His eyes flicked open wide and I could tell he was going to relish what he thought was happening next.

He swung his hand towards the back of my head as Karuizawa shrieked loudly.  I ducked while turning around before slapping Ryuen's second attack away. But I had grabbed it, he would have attempted to get on top of me.

Ishizaki: Woah he's fast!

Ryuen: You sure move fast.  Albert!

He snapped his fingers and Albert ran over like a tank.  He ran at me and I moved to the side.  He stuck his arm out and swung it like a battering ram.  I bent down under his blow and hit a particular group of nerves on his side.  His body heaved as he went down like a titan.  He groaned as he fell down with a thud.

Ishizaki: Damn!

Ibuki: He really beat Albert?!

Ryuen: What are you two doing?  After him!

Ibuki and Ishizaki kicked off, Ibuki arriving before him.  She swung her foot above my head and leaves backwards.  I managed to get a glimpse of Ibuki's black panties...She swung her foot down into an axe kick.  I grabbed onto her leg and threw her towards Ishizaki, but she managed to catch herself on the ground before she could hit him.

Ishizaki charged towards me and swung his fist in a right hook.  I merely had to step back and once his fist passed by me, I went forward and punched him straight in the nose.

When hit in the nose, the body involuntarily releases tears.  These tears can block the vision, which will allow a swift counterattack.

Ishizaki: Damnit!  You'll pay for that!

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