Chapter 12.5: Fun On The Beach

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I leapt up in the air and spiked the ball to the towhee side of the court.  Shibata dove and barely managed to keep the ball up, to which Amikura sent the ball back over the net.  Ken moved to receive, but Yamauchi darted forward and Ken tripped over him.  First point Class B

Ken: Damnit Yamauchi, what the fyuck are you doing?!

Yamauchi: Receiving the ball, what else?

Hirata: Guys, maybe we should communicate to tell each other when we will receive the ball, so this doesn't happen again!

Kikyo: Mhm, I agree!

The ball went to Kanzaki, who served the ball to our side.  I pounced on the hall and set it in the air where Kikyo leapt up and spiked it

Second point Class C

The game went on, point after point, until it was match point, Class C and Class B were tied with 24 points.  The serve was up to Ken.  He threw the ball up, and slammed it hard with his fist.  Ichinose barely sent it back, only to be met with Hirata sending it back.  Kanzaki and Shibata leapt for the ball and both hit it back over.  I leapt up and slammed it back down into the sand, the point going to Class C

Hoshinomya: Alright everyone!  Good game, but Class C is the winner! 

Kanzaki: Hoshinomya-Sensei, forgive my rudeness, but aren't you supposed to be monitoring the exam?

Hoshinomya: Oh Kanzaki-Kun, you silly billy.  I have Sae-Chan covering my shift

It seems Hoshinomya-Sensei actively runs from her work to relax on the beach and hope to come across her students.  She was probably drinking as well.  Her attitude would probably be like: 'It's five o'clock somewhere'

Our class went into the water to clean off the sand we had gained.  The sand that caked our bodies after we dove for the ball several times. 

I entered the water and I enjoyed the feel of it.  I licked my finger which has been in the water and it tasted salty.  I heard a giggle from behind

Mii-Chan: Is this your first time to the ocean Ayanokoji-Kun?

Ayanokoji: Ahah was it that obvious?  Yeah it is...

Mii-Chan: There is no shame in that though.  I haven't ever been to the beach ever.  Back in China, the school environment was competitive so I didn't really have time to visit the beach.

Ayanokoji: Yeah, the school I was from was really competitive so I too never got to go to the beach

Kikyo: Hey guys!  We are having a round of water volleyball, want to join?

Kikyo was holding a beach ball in her hands, and a few others were standing behind her.  Yamauchi was underwater right now.  I never took him for the type to try diving.  He was looking up though, and at the girls.  Of course

Mii-Chan: Oh we would be happy to!  Right Ayanokoji-Kun?

Ayanokoji: We would be happy to!

Summer fun.  I like it.  Playing with my friends, smiling, having fun.  This is the world everyone should have.  Part of me wishes this moment lasted forever, but I know it won't...

Author: I will make a full chapter later today.  I don't have much to discuss today, but anyways, have a great day!  I will see you next time update!

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