Episode I- Alvar

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16th Century

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16th Century


Someone had said right- Time never stays the same. What you held yesterday, maybe not in your hands today. What you plan to do tomorrow, it might not occur as thought. The world runs dynamically, and it turns every moment, showing changes that go unnoticed sometimes. Our ignorance could pull us in a compromising position if the matters are worth paying attention to.

Something like this has transpired with the Alvar, a small mountainous country with a long coastline serving grounds for 2.1 million people of Islam and Christianity.

There was a time when this country was counted among the most prosperous nations. If we overlook the high economic fortunes, then the kingdom was called the home of a goddess. The country had more riches than the poor. No one slept with an empty stomach and had an occupation to earn a good sum. There were more immigrants than emigrants. The heritage was so rich that the merchants from other countries would come to sell their products in exchange for unique handicrafts of Alvar. Alvar was famous for its jewels and pearls. The fact was proven whenever a King of different royalty stops by and buys enough to feed four nations altogether.

But that wasn't all. The small mountainous nation was also famous for its grains and healthy crops. The soil was fertile and rich with all sorts of natural resources and never disappointed the farmers. With every passing year, the turnover only doubled, earning high-profit values for the hard-working laborers and peasants.

The climate was neither too warm nor too cold but soothing for both the people and spreading greenery. The clear blue sky always casts down on the green grounds with heavenly essence when the weather turned rainy. The pool and lakes would spring with crystal clear water in the same season, and the level of the river would increase. Nature, through its various ways, provided constant water supply, so flora and fauna don't have to suffer.

The rearing cattle were given enough grazing grounds in selected parts of the luxuriant forest. Smart ways such as rotation were introduced to avoid overgrazing and loss of resources.

Children were provided with the best education at affordable rates so that the future of Alvar could stand proudly on strong backbones.

But the picture described above is now talks of the past.

The recent pictures of cruelty are complete opposite and heart wrecking.

The home that once gave a roof to riches now enclosed majority wearing rugs. The beautiful females coming from respected households now lived like beggars on streets. Their lovely complexion got matted with dirt and tiredness. They didn't feel safe anymore and decided to stay in the confines of their houses to save their dignity and virtue. They won't be able to live with themselves if something heinous like rape happens. In this time of crisis, they refused to burden their families with one more brutality as the hungry monsters seeking some flesh now roamed freely.

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