Episode XX~ Devil v/s Python

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The Mountain of Sacred Witch

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The Mountain of Sacred Witch

Over the mountain top, inside the cave, a beauty laid on a worn-out mattress.

The naughty rats didn't rest as they jumped around in the forbidden territory of the witch, enjoying the thrill. Their senses were on high alert, to not get too close to Udona's shelves or might receive the torturous burn of powerful magic. The cunning woman was protective of her things. They jumped around and ran across the hall while releasing squeaking sounds, causing the passed-out girl to stir from her peaceful slumber. Her once dirty and bloody flesh was now clean and pale. Her torn garments were replaced with an elegant midnight blue gown. The tangled knots in her silky hair were combed straight and twisted into a thick braid. Though her eyes remained sunken in the dark circles due to weakness and exhaustion, her respiration rate was normal. Her heart beats rhythmically, rejoicing over the granted aid. Her sides didn't throb with dull ache anymore and the once bruised and bleeding limbs were tied with white cotton strips that carried a mixture of medicinal herbs. Her hands lay by her side and the pink lips were slightly blue from inside. It was a sign of how close she was to death when was struck by the poisonous dart. The burning liquid got mingled with her blood dulling her senses and harming her vital organs. If it hadn't been the ancient witch who knew every cure, she must have kissed a painful death by now. Her body must have suffered for hours in agony before her pure soul left a hollow vessel behind.

In contrast to the silence of the magical cave, the noises of squeaking rats stood out like a siren's call.

The little troublemakers were enjoying this moment to the fullest, knowing that the Mistress of the place was out collecting some herbs and wouldn't return for a few hours. She has been working on the girl without breaking a sweat in hopes that she will open her eyes soon and introduce herself. Udona pitied her state. She looked so fragile and small.

A muffled groan rang in the cave, silencing the otherwise playing rats. Hearing another sound from the sleeping girl, they screeched out their fear and scurried back in their holes.

A nimble finger twitches first, followed by others, and soon, they curled into the soft sheet over the mattress. The deep pools of browns that have stayed closed for so long flutters open with a gasp. Short breathes laced with shock were taken before she fully woke up and jolts up from her resting state. Her stiff back ached from being in the same position for so long. Her shaky hands immediately reached to touch her face and she was left amazed, founding no blood there.

There was no count of how many times she has watched herself die in this deep slumber. The memories of burning households and a mighty palace came in front of her eyes and she clutched her head in pain. The screams of her people rang in her ears, making her let out a sob. She would never forget that stench of burning flesh that has fogged the streets of Alvar in place of the clean air.

Her tired eyes scanned her surroundings and widened as saucers noting the strangeness of the location. It sent chills down her spine. The various accessories of the witch planted a bad feeling in her gut and in a panicked state, she found herself scrambling out of the well-made bed. Her feet tangled in the sheets, and she fell on the rocky floor.

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