Episode XXVII~ Haunted

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The Ambaram

The fog was thick, making it impossible to see in a long distance. It was as if the fluffy clouds have decided to catch some rest before their next flight. The trees looked scary under this newfound blanket of weather. The temperature was dropping slowly and the cold wind carries the essence of wintery steps. Thickly furred creatures ventured without a care in the forest whereas a few went into hibernation in their caves, relying on their biological cycle to wake up on the first whip of spring. When the rays of the sun failed to penetrate through the lingering fog, the birds decided to not travel far, depending on the food nearby. The berries of trees will help them to survive from the bone-chilling winter.

Arthur looked at the scenery in distaste. He hated such weather. The burning woods in the fireplace heated his office, providing his otherwise numb limbs some warmth. The winter has struck earlier this year. Almost thirty sunrises before. The regular activities of the tribe have slowed due to the sudden arrival of harsh weather, forcing them to collect necessary resources overlooking the usual exercises.

Arthur brings the tip of the oriental pipe close to his lips and takes a long drag before releasing the nauseating smoke.

Clearing of a throat rang, making him discard his pipe and eye the source of disturbance. The hair on his nape stood in a warning watching the monstrous form of a veiled male standing in the less bright corner of his office like a statue. Since how long was he standing there, staring down at the chieftain's son with that predatory gaze? But his arrival indicated that he has returned with the answers Arthur craved. In three long strides, the eldest son of Nicholas settles on his chair behind the wooden desk and scans the appearance of his best man. He has always been like this, masked and well hidden, lurking in the darkest corner as if the light will burn him.

Arthur clears his throat before straightening in his seat and looks at the assassin expectantly.

"So, what do you know?"

He asked coming to the point as always and the stance of the assassin visibly stiffens.

"I have been investigating around the said village for five days now. There are two villages on the outskirts of Baden. Limbere and Stilts. No villagers confirmed the existence of the person of your interest. There are seventeen Belles around the two rural areas but none of them or their families come close to know about any darkly disguised warrior named Arnold. All the daughters of the village are married to someone close to their families and none run away with any stranger." The assassin hissed in a low tone that sent shivers down Arthur's spine. His voice came out as a hiss of multiple snakes in a single moment. He rarely speaks and when he does, it leaves a bitter taste in Arthur's mind.

"How is that possible? Arnold informed the chief that the girl comes from a village situated at the outskirts of Baden. He has never lied to the chief before." Arthur exclaims in disbelief, completely taken aback. The ideal son will never spill dust in his father's eyes, then what changed? Who is that woman? "I want you to continue the investigation. You've seen her face. Find out who she is." He spat before reaching for a little bag in the cabinet and threw it in the direction of the assassin.

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