Episode XI~ Drunken Confessions

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21st Century

New York


The name of the nightclub was written in bold neon letters outlined by pink lights, while bright- yellow bulbs bordered the giant board carrying the sign of the club.

The exterior of club was brightly illuminated, opposed to the dark and moonless sky. The stars in the night sky blink on several occasions to look over the empty streets from behind the clouds.

Where the rest of the town was asleep, Spectrum was still up and full of life. It was a perfect hub for entertainment and bar. An array of bouncers stood guarding the front entrance and looked over the long line of club-goers, which wasn't showing any sign of abating. The place was famous and safe as compared to the other entertainment venues of the neighborhood. Guests were wearing their best and to pass the time were conversing while waiting for their chance to step inside because the place was already packed and didn't have room for more. After some five minutes, when the horde of drunken teenagers left through the exit, the guards ushered the next twenty people inside and then pulled the chains to stop the queue. The awaiting people groaned and cursed lowly at being stopped at the last moment.

The buff bouncers checked the IDs of eager party lovers in the line and let them pass after running the usual criteria, following the rules.

When Alex pulled in front of the busy site, he took deep breathes to calm his nerves. He was tensed because he hardly shows up at in-house parties, let alone a place like this. No matter how hard his father helped him to overcome this social awkwardness, he has failed every time, finding himself in compromising positions and isolation. Who would bother to spend their time with a silent statue when there are a hundred others to talk senseless? Moreover, Alex's personality repels the attention-seeking kind marking him as a loner.

Thankfully it was better than standing in the bunch of greedy bastards who had more interest in his background rather than knowing him personally.

Alex's palm felt sweaty in early December when he ducked out of the car and directly approached one of the guards close to the entrance, not bothering to wait in the queue as he wasn't a commoner.

The arrogant guard eyes the skinny boy taking long strides towards him and waited patiently. He was so close to kicking him at the end of the row following the protocol until Alex pulled out a golden card from the back pocket of his jeans along with ID.

The frustrated guard froze and taking the two cards from the boy's hand, he runs a thorough check. In the next moment, he paled and gulped the lump of his throat. Earlier, the seductive sleep of night was bothering him, making it hard to keep his eyes open but now he was fully awake after reading the big last name of the town.


Like an army sergeant, his body straightened, and he returned the card with respect. Placing a protective hand at Alex's back, he guided him gently inside the club while pushing the crazy dancers and partygoers out of the way.

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