Episode XXIV~ New Bride

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The Ambaram

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The Ambaram


The baritone of Chief Nicholas struck them like lightning, causing Arnold to freeze in his long strides. Valentina's body tenses behind him. Her crest whirls and body sways a little, but she digs her feet hard in the ground. The long journey was taking a toll on her. It was noon, time for lunch, and the medicines of the witch. Arnold turns to face a furious chief. His deep pools focused on the old man and sense the distress wafting off the Princess's body. In the next moment, he pulls her swaying figure to his chest before she could've lost her footing. Her body was burning. The simple gesture flusters Valentina, but she didn't argue for the sake of this act and complied obediently. A heavy exhale was heard from the chief followed by hushed whispers of the onlookers. Arthur presses his lips together in a firm line failing to choose either celebrate over Arnold's permanent departure or grimace for unfulfilled revenge.

The other family members gawked at the protective action of Chieftain's favorite towards a woman. Valentina's hands fisted the dark material of Arnold's clothes and she closed her burning eyes, feeling a dull pounding in the frontal lobe of her brain.

The chief felt his heart rising to his throat at the thought of Arnold leaving the tribe. He has loved the boy like his own and cared for him throughout the years. From swimming to fight like a beast, Nicholas has taught him all the tricks. On frosty nights, when the boy used to wake up from terrible nightmares in a cold sweat, it was Nicholas and Ila who used to soothe his shuddering and trembling self. Ila cups her mouth and lets the tears fall freely after hearing the piercing words of Arnold. She never saw it coming. He emerged from the darkness with this unknown girl and the girl looked sick. Her heart hammered, fearing that Nicholas won't stop Arnold from leaving. The chief of the tribe was supposed to stay just. Rules don't bend for anyone.

Nicholas move forward and glares at the unruly rebel passionately. His fists were clenched at sides, itching to pummel some sense in this 6 ft tall man.

"If you take a step out of this tribe, I am going to have your head, son. You can't leave." The Chief gritted lowly, and Ila fills her lungs with relief. Her features relax and she leans against the nearest pillar for support. One of her daughters-in-law rushes by her side and guides her towards a chair.

"I won't leave her, chief. She is my wife now." Arnold stated firmly, looking back in the eyes of his father figure. His will was strong to be broken. He was reluctant to loosen his hold on Valentina. The defiance in his stance boiled Nicholas's blood and he gritted his teeth. A nerve on his forehead twitch dangerously. There are times when you've to make harsh decisions in life and it was one of those moments. The prideful man wouldn't bow in front of the tantrums of his child. He was going to let him enjoy the new toy until it breaks and then he will teach him a lesson.

"If you want to keep her, then, by all means, go ahead. But I have a condition. For choosing a woman from a different land, I take your rights to be a favored man in the council. You are no longer a warrior in the troop and an eligible candidate for becoming the next Chief. As a former warrior, it is expected from you to train the juveniles and earn your wage.

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