Episode II- Baden

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16th Century

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16th Century


The fort of Alvar stood in mournful silence as another life falls in the arms of the death.

A grieving widow wailed and threw her head on the chest of the fallen man. The onlookers kept their ingenuity low, feeling guilt and pain gnawing at their throats. Tears shined in their eyes, and lips quivered, but no sob was released. They forced themselves to stand and subject the agony of the woman as she clutched her husband's limp hand to her chest. She cried to him to wake up, still, the soulless body didn't oblige. He kept lying their unmoving with dark marks slathered all over his skin, a trait of all who have come in contact with the plague. The woman cried her heart and shook with painful gasps in between. The other maids standing in the corner, cupped their mouths to muffle the tsunami of emotions lurching forward.

As one more dead body is added to the pile, another woman stood in the line of the windows.

Lord Charles couldn't help but take his eyes from the scene in anger. They have failed the hopes of another loyal man. Those days aren't far where they all will lay at the same place except they won't have anyone to cry over them. Ache hits his chest in a ton of bricks and he stumbled over a chair before bringing his head in his hands. The healers standing at another corner watched with emotionless eyes as this wasn't the first failed case they have seen in a long time. Deaths such as these are happening every next day, what sours their heart are the facts proving that the number of victims is diminishing.

By God's grace, they weren't aware of the reason. Either the cure was working in saving the people or there isn't much left to die. The population of million was sinking to thousands at a fast rate. Even if the plague came under control, the hunger would kill the most. The devil must be enjoying the show of suffering souls. The healers cursed the ill fate within their minds and, after paying silence for the deceased soul, they left to save what was left.

Two soldiers clad in dark garments stepped forward and lower themselves beside the mate they have lost today, the sharpest archer of the kingdom. The dead man was a soldier too. As they leered closer, the widow lost her wits and started screaming while throwing her powerless blows over the intruders that had dared to touch her husband.

"No. No. Stay away, please. I won't let you take him. Go away." She screamed until her throat closed with violent coughs. Two maids stepped forward to take the matter in their hands as the body has started to rot, and if it wasn't removed sooner, they'll catch infection too. The maids embraced the crying widow and rubbed their hands on her back soothingly.

"My husband."

The woman cried to heavens, and her pitch resonated in the entire castle. It hits the roof and comes back, stabbing the onlookers. The maids hushed her while crying themselves, well aware of the ache because they have lost loved ones too.

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