4 : Wallima

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"You are safe with me. Trusting someone again is hard but believe me Meerab. I will never lose myself like this. Your respect is my respect and from today I promise that I will never let anyone speak a word against you. I will not tolerate injustice with you", Murtasim said and helped her to sit on the bed. Meerab looked down as her eyes got moistened again remembering how her family treated her. Can a daughter forget how her parents threw her out without her fault? What was her mistake? She was kept in dark and if she knew about her identity before then she would have decided something

"I have already faced injustice. What else is left now?", Meerab asked with a chuckle. She looked at the ceiling with teary eyes realising that she is married to a man she hated the most from childhood. Her life was so smooth and without any tension before. She was pampered by her parents and that's the main reason she never doubted thier love.

She still can't believe that she was adopted and treated as trash because her father thought she killed her mother. How can a newborn baby do that? If that was in her hand then she would have died giving life to her mother. What is her fault?

A sob escaped her mouth when she remembered her dream which will remain a dream now. How this will come true when nobody loves her? For all of them, she is a stubborn girl with an attitude. For them, she is a mannerless girl who is not equal to thier standards. This is not her wedding but a jail which took everything away from her. Only her body is left, she doesn't know what are his intentions.

"You have whole life pending. Tell me what do you want? I will try my best to fulfil your wish. Don't cry", Murtasim said and sat beside her. He moved his hand to wipe her tears but stopped remembering her wish where she stated that he will not touch her till she allows. She added that it was for her safety and that's why he understands her. No girl will give herself to anyone in this situation. He needs to support her physically and mentally otherwise she might end up being depressed.

Meerab looked at his hand which was on air and then he took his hand back. She guessed that maybe he raised his hand to wipe her tears but today she don't want to stop herself from crying. She wants to cry her heart out in pain. She wants to scream in pain to reduce this heart-throbbing pain. Why her?

She is married to her cousin if she sees him practically and to a man who is opposite to her choice. And the cherry on the top was her father. Why he was showing his right to her when he sold his daughter at birth? Can his sin forgiven? She can forgive Wakas and Aneela because they kept her so happy even after knowing she is not thier daughter. They invested everything in her without letting her know that she is not thier real daughter.

She wiped her tears softly and felt her eyes getting heavy with tears again. She lost everything today and is feeling suffocated here. She will keep crying if she stayed here because these family members will always remind her about their cheating. Murtasim's reply gave her a chance to put in her wish.

"I want to leave this place. I want to stay away from both of my fake fathers. I want to become a lawyer", Meerab asked and looked at him for an answer. Murtasim's expression changed from care to shock. His eyes clearly showed her that he was not expecting another wish from her side but what she can do? They all broke her to no extent and she want to cry her heart out. She wants to stay away from all of them because they don't deserve her forgiveness for playing with her emotions.

Her eyes got moistened again when she noticed him silent. He stayed numb which gave her the hint that he will not help her because he can never leave his family. Moreover, he clearly told her before that she can't become a lawyer then how he will accept it now?

"What happened? Hugh Lost your senses? You can't accept my one request and were saying "Tell me what you want ", Meerab mocked mimicking him and turned away when her tears betray her. Her lips fumbled as her heart is bleeding right now due to the betrayal she received from her family members. She thinks she will never trust anyone now because of them

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