12 : Necklace

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"Stop overthinking Meerab. You said you would call him so you should call him. Maybe he felt bad but I don't think he is a guy who will get angry if you don't let him ki...", Saba said and was interrupted by embarrassed Meerab who felt too shy to think of the kiss. Now everything is looking too weird to her. This situation made one thing clear in her mind she wants to live with Murtasim and is not ready for divorce

"Ok stop. Don't complete it. I feel shy", Meerab said and hid her face between her palms. Her cheeks turned red thinking of the moment. That time she behaved impulsively because she lost her first kiss and said whatever came into her mind. Now when she thinks of it, she understands that it was not his plan and she blamed him for nothing. She could not accept that she could let someone kiss her and blamed him instead which she regrets. Will he forgive me? Will he trust me again?

"But you didn't feel shy when you kissed", Saba said looking at Meerab who blushed now hearing her statement. If she didn't have any problem with him then why did she blame him? She wondered

"Look at your blush ", Saba continued which made Meerab blush more and she slapped Saba on her arms

"Saba. Tell me how to talk with him", Meerab asked fidgeting with her fingers. She excused herself and called Murtasim to come and pick her up and walked towards Saba again. She looked down when Saba looked at her curiously. She said that she called Murtasim and closed her eyes tightly as she didn't want to cry for such a small matter.

"Ok, go with him and let him know that whatever you said was a slip of the tongue", Saba said and placed her hand on Meerab's hand which was resting on the table. She realized that Meerab was in no mood to joke and her expressions told her that Meerab was very upset. She smiled looking at her friend who has started growing feelings towards Murtasim and has accepted their marriage. She is very happy as she was not happy with Meerab's decision to divorce Murtasim as Murtasim looked like a cool guy to her. If he was bad then she would have never minded but if he was so caring and kind then she wanted her to accept Murtasim.

Meerab placed her head on the table feeling very low because of Murtasim. Why he is so difficult to handle? She knows she needs to initiate this time and let him know that was just a slip of the tongue but she feels very embarrassed to talk with him. How could she face him when she pointed at his tears, didn't she know Murtasim is a strong guy who never cries? Then why? Soon she heard her mobile phone ringing and picked up the call from Murtasim who told her to come outside. Meerab smiled and dragged Saba with her, they walked outside the college gate and she recognised Murtasim's car.

"She is my best friend Saba... Saba knows you", Meerab introduced Saba to Murtasim who passed a smile towards Saba and forwarded his hand for a handshake

"Hello Saba. I'm Murtasim", he said. Saba smiled and told him she knew about him already. Murtasim nodded and looked down not knowing how Saba knew him and for which qualities. Or maybe she told Saba that they were going to divorce soon. Murtasim thought and shrugged his thoughts when he noticed Saba going back and he asked

"Should we drop you as well?", Murtasim asked and looked towards Meerab if she had any problem.

"Yes, come Saba ", Meerab called Saba and hugged her tightly. She wanted to drop Saba but she was hesitant to ask Murtasim the same as he was not looking normal to her. Everything looked different to her and she felt she lost the old Murtasim who she married. Meerab sat in the passenger seat with Saba.

While Murtasim was driving, Meerab was continuously looking at Murtasim. The way he was driving and his hair flickered in the air, that made him look more handsome. She was smiling when his eyes were making contact with her and she would look away instantly

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