7: Independent

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Murtasim asked Maa Begum to stay with Meerab in the village, to which she refused initially but agreed finally, and they drove towards the village. The ride was silent as Murtasim was hurt by himself for pressuring his mother to agree with him, and he left his mother for the first time that too for long 2 months. These 2 months are like do and die to him. Either he will win her heart, or he will lose her, as he has already made one decision. He entered the hall with Meerab and sat on the couch. As. per order, servants placed their bags in separate rooms, and they had already cleaned their rooms.

"Continue your studies and take another room if you want. And we are going to stay here for 2 months, and if you still want a divorce, then you will get that easily, and you can live with your parents after 2 months", Murtasim said and went towards his room. He sat on the bed holding his head as everything was going out of his nerves. The first time he pressured his mother, and also he hid Meerab studying law truth from her. He doesn't have any idea how he will make his mother understand Meerab's love for her carrier.

He never took a stand for himself, but when he took a stand for her, he felt he disrespected his mother for a girl. Yes, his wife, but for him, everything doesn't revolve around her. He loves his family and can never hurt anyone. He knows how much he means to his mother and how much Maa Begum suffered upbringing him and Mariyam

"Murtasim...", He heard Meerab's voice and looked towards the door to see her standing leaning at the door. He raised his eyebrow, asking what?

"Only we are going to stay here, or do servants also live here?", Meerab asked

"Why would they live here? They will go back to their home after completing their work", Murtasim replied, rolling his eyes at her stupid question. Who asks such questions? She is very rich, and they also have maids; then why is she asking this question? He was about to ask her if she wanted to go to college with him tomorrow, but he noticed she went

Meerab entered her room which was classy, the same as Murtasim's; just one thing missing was the pool. His room is near the pool, but her room is just a big room which is very neat and clean. She sat on the bed, exhausted from packing and traveling. She hates traveling, but she has to because she wants to ignore Haya, who was trying to push her down.

"I'm scared to stay here alone because in that house, at least Maa and Baba were there and I lived there from childhood, but this place is scary as hell. How will I stay here alone", Meerab thought

She went to Murtasim's room to ask him if they could share a room but couldn't gather the courage because she didn't want to share the same bed with him. And she is not used to sleeping on the couch, and that's why she doesn't want to make cake excuses that she will sleep on the sofa instead.

"Ya Allah, in which problem you have pushed me? First this marriage and now this house ", she thought and closed her eyes tightly to process everything which is happening to her. Tears made their way through her eyes again when she remembered the past. How her father used to pamper her, and her mother used to stay with her at night when she used to get scared.

"Hey, why are you crying now?", Murtasim asked, entering the room and sitting on the ground in front of her. He held her hand tightly and looked into her eyes. Her eyes always shine, and he falls in love with them. Her innocent eyes are full of the pain of betrayal and sorrow because of her past

"Nothing. You can go", Meerab replied and took her hands back. Murtasim pressed his lips together in embarrassment as he touched her without her permission and felt like she was not comfortable and took his hands back.

"I came to ask if you are free then. Can we go for your admission tomorrow?" he asked to which Meerab hummed and walked outside the room. She went out of the house and stood near a tree. She loves nature and adores greenery. Grass gives her life and motivation to face every problem, just like grass and trees face, and they stay still even after the storm.

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