20 : Her Comfort

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Meerab and Saba ran towards the hall to see Rohail sitting on the sofa waiting for Meerab. She walked towards him with hesitation as she didn't want anyone to see her with Rohail and misunderstand her. She dragged Saba with her and asked Rohail why he came there. Rohail held her hand and was about to speak when Meerab took her hand back and looked at her surroundings to see Haya staring at them. She asked Rohail to come and meet Murtasim. Meerab's heartbeat was rising thinking about Murtasim's reaction as here she was also feeling uncomfortable on finding Rohail at her home. In the college, everything seems normal but here she does not like his presence and feels uncomfortable when he holds her hand. As she entered the room she noticed Murtasim sleeping and asked them to walk without making any noise

"Rohail what are you doing here?", Meerab whispered walking towards Murtasim to check if he was sleeping comfortably or not. A smile appeared on her face when she noticed his hair was messed up and a few hair strands on his forehead. Even in sleep, he looks like a Greek God. She was about to touch his hair when Rohail replied in a loud voice

"Came to meet you. How are you Meerab?", he asked and his loud voice irked Meerab as she didn't want anyone to disturb his sleep. Already his arm pains most of the time so it is best to let him sleep. She walked away and sat on the couch with them as she didn't want anybody to disturb him.

"I am fine. Lower your voice, he is sleeping", Meerab said to which Rohail nodded thinking that Meerab said this as she didn't want Murtasim to misunderstand her otherwise he would fight with her.

"Why aren't you coming to college if you are fine?", Rohail asked

"Can't you see his fractured hand? How can I come? Murtasim is my husband and I can't leave him in this state", Meerab said angrily when Rohail didn't ask about the man who was lying injured in front of him. In this case, Saba turned out to be best as she asked about Murtasim and talked with him. Even if those were formal conversations but made her smile that he got the respect but Rohail's behaviour angered her. How she is supposed to continue college when her husband is not well? She won't be able to concentrate even as her thoughts would be occupied by him. She has seen him winching in pain in the hospital. He needed her to feed him as he couldn't move his hand and she knew it would take time to heal. She noticed his wound when the doctor was treating his hand and felt his pain whenever he hissed in pain

"His family is here", Rohail said. Meerab closed her eyes tight in anger as she didn't want to shout and disturb Murtasim's sleep otherwise she would have snapped at him yelling that she couldn't trust anybody there. Even though she knows they all will take care of him still she fears taking a risk. Especially with Haya who shamelessly flirts with her husband. She can never leave Murtasim with Haya.

"But I am his wife and he is my responsibility. He is injured because of me and I can't become selfish. I will talk with teachers later they will understand ", Meerab replied sarcastically

"I love you Meerab and you know that right? Till when you are going to stay with him? Meerab come out of this hell, please. I was missing you. Without you college looks so dull", Rohail said which boiled Meerab's heart and she got up from her place to send Rohail away. He doesn't have any right to speak against Murtasim and she will never hear a word against him.

"Rohail you are crossing your limits. I told you already we can't be together ", Meerab snapped at him angrily

"Divorce him by saying you aren't safe with him", Rohail said which angered Meerab more and she was about to yell when Saba spoke

"Rohail can you please shut up? Meerab is very safe with him. Forget her", Saba said. Meerab closed her eyes controlling her anger and looked at Saba to talk to her as if she had enough of Rohail. She will talk to him in the college now and will ask him why he says that in front of Murtasim. A fear engraved in her heart what if Murtasim heard it or someone else did? Nobody will trust her and they will kick her out of the house without listening to her. She shivered thinking of the probabilities and pulled Rohail up to force him to go

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