6 : First day

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Meerab is sitting on the lawn thinking about what to do with her life and broken pieces of heart. She recently got married to a man she hated the most. Her feelings for him changed a bit but that doesn't mean she accepts marriage. How can she accept this relationship when she knows they have zero compatibility and zero understanding? Yes, she agreed to the marriage because she had no choice but the scars of her past are still fresh and this house will keep reminding her of that every day.

The contract she made for Murtasim is to protect herself from falling in love. She wants to safeguard herself as she doesn't trust him. She doesn't trust anyone now, not even her parents who broke her into millions of pieces. She is recalling those moments with her parents who used to love her and a father who used to say he will not let her marry without her choice. How can they change so easily?

She felt a cold breeze hitting her face which wiped her tears and tried to remove sorrow from her life. She felt relaxed while sitting on the lawn, between grass and beautiful flowers. Even if they use thorns to safeguard themselves then why can't she? She is a human, not an object, she has the right to accept and reject things. She has decided to marry him with her wish but at the same time, she was scared to fall into another trap. She wants to stay with Murtasim as his friend till she accepts him as her husband. She was thinking about her their marriage deeply when she heard Haya's voice and looked upwards to find Haya standing in front of her.

"Ohh someone is so sad because Murtasim didn't give attention to her on thier first night?", Haya asked to which Meerab chuckled and kept quiet because she is not interested in talking with a girl who doesn't keep her self-respect as her priority. She is an independent girl and loves those girls who don't give a damn about a guy who rejects her once. She finds Haya stupid who just knows how to seduce a man even if that comes by losing her respect in front of that man.

"Keep in mind that he hates you Meerab so stay away from him as he has many other things to do rather than looking at you and pitying you", Haya continued when Meerab didn't reply. She wants Meerab to fight with her and blur what happened between them at night. She is sure they didn't sleep together and consumed their relationship as Meerab would never allow.

"Like I care. I don't even mind him minding his own business and why are you bothered?", Meerab asked standing up with attitude. She doesn't care if Murtasim loves her or not because she doesn't have any expectations from this marriage. They both were not ready for this marriage so she can understand him as well. Maybe he was in a relationship with Haya and she came between them but till he is married to her he can't look at Haya.

"Because I know you both don't like each other and Murtasim can never accept you as his wife", Haya replied angrily before Meerab could reply Murtasim entered the lawn and walked towards Meerab who looked at him shocked. Did he come here to support her? She felt happy inside as she realised that nobody can push her down

"Who said that? ", Murtasim replied and held Meerab's hand. Meerab looked at him angrily as this doesn't give right for him to hold her hand like this but his further reply pushed her to keep quiet

"She is my wife and yes, I like her. Stay within your limits Haya. You have to respect her because she is the head of the family now. And mind my words no one means no one has the right to question her. Don't poke your nose in our personal matters. We accepted each other by our own wish.", Murtasim replied angrily showing their intertwined hands to Haya. Meerab kept looking at him. She is perplexed by the sudden change in his behaviour. She is confused to understand who is real Murtasim. The one she saw in childhood or this one? Is he planning revenge or he is real? How can he like her? Or maybe he said a lie just to show Haya? What is happening here?

"Murtasim...", Haya was about to say something in her defence but Murtasim stopped her by showing his hand in front of her

"Haya I consider you as my sister so please don't make me hate you", Murtasim requested and dragged Meerab towards their room. When they reached their room he left her hand and banged his hand on the nearby wall.

He got angry when Haya was talking about Meerab and Meerab was not replying properly. His anger reached its peak when he heard Haya said he can never accept Meerab as his wife. He knew what Meerab was going through that's why he was trying to keep the environment happy and safe for her. He can't tolerate someone misbehaving with his wife. Meerab is his pride and her disrespect automatically means his disrespect. How can she talk with so much confidence with Meerab? Everyone in this house knows what Meerab is going through, rather than showering love they are pushing her into more sorrow which he can't tolerate.

He fumed in anger And turned to see Meerab standing there who flinched when he turned. His eyes softened realising that his anger is scaring her and took a long breath to calm his anger down.

"Sorry because of me she disrespected you. I will make sure everybody in this house respects you", Murtasim apologized and sat in the bed. He looked upwards to think what he have to do with this marriage.

A forced marriage which they accepted as thier fate. Maybe they are destined to be together but they are still poles apart. She is a free bird and this house is a cage. How she will manage with him? He talked about living in the village with his mother but his mother refused saying she can't let him go like this. That's why he didn't dare to talk about her studies as he was the one who suggested marriage when Meerab wanted to become a lawyer.

"I don't need your so-called respect. You gave me shelter is enough. Continue these cheesy lines with your girlfriend Haya", Meerab replied sarcastically and walked to the sofa to stay away from him.

"Have you gone mad? Do you think I was allowed to make girlfriends and fall in love? And Haya is just like Mariyam to me", Murtasim asked with a chuckle as his mother always warned him not to like any girl and that's the reason he was single and never had feelings for anyone. Especially for Haya because he dislikes her, he hates when she tries to seduce him and try to cling on him

"But she considers you as her love, not brother Murtasim. If you wish to marry her then divorce me. I will never say anything to you. And why she was allowed to fall in love then?", Meerab argued back

"I don't care what she feels for me because I have nothing to do with her. And ask her why she fell for me because there is no use in asking me", Murtasim replied angrily and looked away as talking with Meerab seems difficult when she doesn't understand his point of view

"Till when do we have to stay in this relationship?", Meerab asked which directly pinched his heart as he doesn't believe that a relationship can end on a piece of paper

"Nikkah is a very pure relationship, not a game Meerab. We can't end this like that. Like if we got bored then we divorce and marry another. I don't believe in divorce. A piece of paper can't end this pure relationship. Relations are a gift from God. We should take our time and accept it. Still, if you want then wait for a month or two. We will divorce but you will be my wife till I die", Murtasim replied which impressed Meerab, she started to think about his words and realised that he is not wrong. Marriage is a pure relationship which connects hearts. But the situation is different in their case so they need to think logically.

"Also I will get your admission to laws college but haven't talked with Ma Begum. So can I borrow some time to convince her? Then we will shift to the village but for a few months only because I can't leave my mother alone. Also, the village is not safe so please understand me", Murtasim requested and noticed Meerab looking here and there not meeting his eyes.

"Say something. Meerab I will try my best to make this relationship work. Can't you give me a chance? I will prove myself as the best life partner you can ever dream of and get", Murtasim requested a reply with his eyes full of hopes for her. He doesn't know how he fell weak and started to think that he should not break this marriage when he knows that ultimately this is meant to happen. They are not meant to be together

Are they meant for each other?

What do you think Meerab will reply?

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