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After Haya's ruksati Meerab and Murtasim walked towards thier room silently as they were happy, not sad like other family members. Haya created so many differences in them that they didn't feel anything to see her cry. Murtasim handled everything as a responsible brother, even though he knew Haya didn't consider him as the one but still he needed to complete his responsibilities. Meerab sat on the bench in the garden and gestured for him to sit beside her. Murtasim smiled and sat beside her taking her hand in his

"Did you remember our marriage and ruksati today?", he asked to which Meerab nodded and placed her head on his shoulder. Murtasim encircled his arm around her waist and pulled her closer as he knew thier wedding was not

"I will bring water", Murtasim said and went out to bring a glass of water from the kitchen. In the meantime, Anwar who was on the other side of the garden came to see Meerab sitting with tears in her eyes which tensed him and he walked towards her.

"What are you doing here alone? Did you guys fight? Why are you crying?", he asked. Just then Murtasim came there with a glass of water and gestured for Meerab to give it. Meerab took the glass from him and passed a smile towards him. She knew it was not needed but this time she wanted to show her father that there was no issue between them. Murtasim noticed Anwar and asked him to sit beside Meerab and sat on the other side with Meerab.

Meerab finished the water and looked at Anwar who was looking at her already. She looked down not knowing how to react and what to say to her father. She didn't want to keep grudges in her heart but this day reminded her of the way they got married. She was not left with a chance and they all behaved like they cared for her emotions when in reality nobody cared. She kept silent as she didn't want to fight with Anwar and taunt him again. She had enough and didn't want to go through that turmoil again. She knows just like this day, every wedding, thier wedding anniversary, ruksati everything will remind her of their wedding. It is her luck that Murtasim turned out to be the right guy otherwise she would have been suffering because of 1 wrong decision. While she was recalling thier wedding she heard Anwar's voice

"Why she was crying? Jhagda hua kya?", he asked from Murtasim

"No, she remembered our wedding. Kismat pe ro rahi hai shayad", Murtasim giggled joking thinking it might light up her mood but it didn't. She glared at him angrily as that was not a joke for her.  She can never cry about her fate.  He knows that.  How can he say this?

"Can we get some time alone?", Anwar asked taking Meerab's hand in his. Meerab recalled how Wakas told the truth of her being adopted and closed her eyes tight feeling herself weak again. She never dreamt of going out of her house like this, she never thought she would marry in such a drastic way. Maybe she is very stupid to think of it today but the wedding, rituals, and Ruksati reminded her of the way she was robbed. Just then she noticed Murtasim getting up, she held his hand tight and pulled him back

"Iske samne bolain jo bolna hai", Meerab said in an authoritative tone as she didn't want him to leave her alone. She is not ready to go through that phase again. Anwar nodded and sat beside Meerab and Murtasim sat on either side as he was worried for her when Anwar asked him to leave. Even though he trusts Anwar he knows from which phase Meerab has come through. She might look normal but she is not. Her heart is filled with complaints and pain which he has seen

"I am sorry for abandoning you like that Meerab. Me and your mother had an arranged marriage but soon we fell in love. We loved each other unconditionally. She was my lifeline and I still miss her a lot. She was the same as you who was strong confident, sweet, and loving like you. When she did after giving you birth. I thought you killed her. If you never came then she would be with me. When I abandoned you we decided to tie you into a relationship with Murtasim and it was decided already that you would marry him. Then...", Anwar was speaking when Murtasim interrupted him in the middle when he heard that they tied them into a relationship from childhood. Why? What was the need?

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