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Aahan and Harsh froze in shock as they saw Isha violently crash the flower vase against Srishti's head. Without a moment to lose, Harsh rushed towards Srishti while Isha stared blankly into space with a confused and disoriented expression.

 In that same instant, Isha felt an intense searing pain on her left cheek where her mother had slapped her hard, her face contorted with anger and despair. "What were you thinking, Isha? She was your friend! How could you do this?" Her mother shook Isha's shoulders rigorously, but it seemed like she was in some other world - laughing hysterically as if nothing had happened and saying in a maniacal tone, "I told her she doesn't deserve anything. Look, now she's going to die!" Isha's mother slowly released her grip from disbelief as all of them heard those words.

 Then, Isha dropped to the ground, her cold body wrapped up in her mother's arms as tears streamed down the woman's face.

Aahan's heart pounded in his chest as he stared at Srishti's motionless form. She was barely conscious, her eyes half open and her body limp in Harsh's arms. 

His hands shaking with fear, Aahan reached out to touch her pallid face. "An ambulance! We need an ambulance!" He shouted desperately, His voice carrying through the air. 

Harsh sprang into action immediately, calling the ambulance and running off to fetch some water. "Jaan! Wake up! You'll be alright!" Aahan implored her, desperation palpable in his voice as he gently tapped her cheeks in an attempt to revive her fading consciousness.

 In a matter of moments, the glass of water appeared from the kitchen, and with trembling hands, Harsh sprinkled it upon her pale skin. At last, she stirred, and soon enough the sound of sirens filled the air as the ambulance finally arrived. 

Quickly they loaded Srishti inside and sped away towards the hospital where she received treatment for her wounds - a deep cut on her head that had almost caused her unconsciousness. 

Isha stumbled into the rehabilitation facility, and Srishti could barely recognize her. She was so thin and pale and had dark circles under her eyes that spoke of sleepless nights. Her mother was beside her, silently holding her up. 

Srishti was filled with anger and hurt towards Isha for betraying her trust, but it quickly subsided when she remembered all the good times they shared in the past. Despite what Isha had done, Srishti couldn't bear to see her suffer like this. After talking to Aahan, they decided to pay the fees for Isha's rehab and arrange some facilities to make her stay more comfortable. 

Even though she was still angry at Isha no she hates her, Srishti felt a sense of relief knowing her friend would be taken care of. She wanted to forget the betrayal and bitter words she had experienced, but deep down she knew she could never really forgive Isha.

Srishti's restless mind refused to be at peace for the whole 2 weeks. It was an unquenched thirst to know what Isha had done to her that caused her to lose someone so important. No matter how much she longed to curse Isha, Aahan was always by her side to console her and lend a shoulder when she wanted to cry. But betrayal is betrayal and tries as much as it could, Srishti's heart could not forget the pain Isha had inflicted on her. She can forget her but forgive no she can't never

Isha may have a bright future ahead of her, but the fact that she had thrown away her life still weighed heavily in Srishti's heart.

Rohit banged on Harsh's bedroom door for what seemed like an eternity before it finally opened, revealing a disheveled Harsh. His eyes were puffy with exhaustion, dark circles underneath them suggesting that he hadn't slept in days. His usually neat hair was tousled and unkempt.

 Yawning, he asked his friend rohit in a tired voice, "What are you doing here?"

Harsh's friend rohit appeared in the doorway of his room, eyes widening as he surveyed the disarray. His walls were bare, all photos and posters taken down. Clothes and books littered the floor, and several crumpled pieces of paper lay scattered on the desk. 

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