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"A child will be born, and he will surpass us."

Roger spoke to the crew as they sat in a rare silence.  Aridam walked up to Roger and sat next to him, thinking. He glanced at her for a moment with a smile, she noticed he always had one of those, before looking back at the crew.

"A child will be born, and he will surpass us."

A child will be born, and he will surpass us.

Would it be the child of Roger, or maybe even the child of a marine?

"Oi, Roger." She pulled on his sleeve, drawing the crews attention to her. Her eyes were wide as they stared up into his own, and Roger tilted his head. "How can I find this child?"

Shanks rolled his eyes. "You think you'll find that one child in a world as vast as this?"

She narrowed her eyes at him. "I found this crew, didn't I?"

"Settle down." Roger ruffled her hair. "Aridam, you think you're worthy enough to fight this boy?"

"Yes," She grinned, "and then I'll serve under him if he beats me."

"Aridam, I have to warn you. You'll never be satisfied with what your dream is right now." 

She had been told this so many times, but never by Roger.

And that scared her, because now she would actually believe it.

Her captain gripped her collar and stared her straight in the eyes, like he was afraid she'd somehow change the future with her obsession. Perhaps he was afraid she would become a villain.

She's always been anti-hero, just never close enough to be a villain.

"Do you understand that you must find another goal?"

"I told you guys, didn't I?" She didn't bother removing his hand. "To find a husband who can cut wind."

"No." She heard Rayleigh protest and ignored him. 

"But thats not my only reason." She closed her eyes with a sigh. 

"I'm immortal."

"WHAT?!" Buggy screamed, his head literally bouncing off his neck before popping back on. "That's so lucky!"

"It isn't. It's a different kind of immortal." She frowned at the thought, as if she had just remembered. "I've died more times than I can count, and each time I'm transferred either to the past or in the future. So far, I've only been transferred a couple of seconds back in time or into the future, but..."

"How did this happen?" Gaban interrupted her and she levelled her gaze with him.

"I killed my parents, from what I can remember. And just before I was to slit my fathers throat he cursed me with his abilities. He said that until I find a man to love, that it doesn't matter how many times I die, I'll always return."

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