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She doesn't understand the feelings most people do. Ever since the death of her brother, her view of things changed completely. She began to care less and less until she no longer cared.

So leaving Rayleigh didn't rub her the wrong way like it should have, and he understood that.

"Alright," He gripped her shoulder tightly like he didn't want to let go. "Be safe out there. And come visit me every month."

Her lips twisted at the thought. "Every two months? Thats annoying-"

"Visit me every two months."


She scoffed and boarded her boat as if she wasn't just scared into obeying the man. Honestly, he'd probably swim to her even if she was in a completely different sea. 

As soon as the wind began to pick up she released the sails and let the wind carry her away. She waved once at Rayleigh then collapsed on her back against the deck where she began to snore. 

Thought she refuses to admit it, she really had begun to care a little. Ever since she joined the crew, at least, she's realized relationships actually affect her. Hence why she actually agreed to meet regularly with Rayleigh.

She stares down at the ginger cat crawling up her leg, nearly forgetting it's existence. It was good emergency food. 

Now, to begin...


Who did she set out to find first?

Garp, of course!

And he beat her with one fist.

"Brat! Roger told me you've got some screws loose but I didn't think you'd come to me!" Then, he grinned. "Become a marine!"

She raised an eyebrow as the older man grinned, oblivious to the seriousness of his words. So, why not humour him?


He blinked. "Really?"

She flipped him off and ran away. Not long after a cannonball landed right next to her. She snickered and ducked into a forest seeking shelter, enjoying the chirping of the birds. One sounded familiar, and she made a note to return to this forest to hunt the bird.

Then a bird fell on her head.

She growled and ripped it off. But now, looking at the bird, a chill ran down her spine. A shadow loomed over her and the dead bird, and then a hand gripped her head and smashed her into the ground.

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