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Daliya Adamu was younger than Hanan expected and she was the friendliest person.

"When Jonathan said I'd be seeing a new face," She said with a smile as she handed Hanan a glass of chilled zobo. "I stayed up late trying to narrow down my options." She then sat on the opposite sofa. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Hanan. Do let me know if there's anything making you uncomfortable. If it's too cold, I can adjust the AC temperature and if you don't like turaren wuta, I can ask them to take it away."

Hanan shook her head. She held the glass of dark liquid with both hands; her bag and file occupying the space beside her on the sofa. "It's alright, Mrs Adamu. I'm comfortable."

"Toh, Alhamdulillah. You can just call me Daliya. I'm not that old."

"If I'm to be honest, you're way younger than I expected. His Excellency isn't so young so I pictured someone older."

Daliya's smile was beautiful. "That would be the first wife."

Hanan frowned. "You aren't the first wife?"

"No, I'm the second one. We got married not too long ago. I stayed at the main house for about a month before I asked to move here since no one was occupying it."

Hanan nodded slowly. She had no idea the FCT Minister had gotten married a second time. "Wow."

"Is that surprising?"

Hanan nodded again. "It is. I should have done my research properly. When Jonathan told me you were the wife of the Minister, I just assumed you were the only one." She felt inadequate. "I was more focused on what will work for the lounge that I didn't bother to check. I'm sorry."

"Oh, it's alright, Hanan." Daliya waved it away. "It's nice to meet someone who doesn't know I'm not the only one he's married to."

Motivated to change the subject before she felt any worse, Hanan looked around. "It's a big house. It's beautiful too."

"Thank you."

"Don't you get lonely sometimes?" She let out a small laugh when it clicked in her head that she could be overstepping boundaries. "I'm sorry. That's probably a personal question."

"It's alright, Hanan." Daliya honestly did not mind. "Yes, it does get lonely sometimes but I prefer it here. Don't get me wrong, my co-wife and I are close. It's just not so comfortable staying together in the same house. He's not the same with two of us and when those perceptions we have of him clash, it's not such a nice moment." She smiled. "I hope you understand what I'm saying."

Hanan understood it perfectly well. "I do. It's not an easy thing."

"True. However, it's a decision I made myself so I'm going to live with it. I love him a lot so it makes everything worth it at the end. Besides, I love the anonymity I have. She has to deal with all first lady duties while I quietly live my life."

Hanan laughed at the other woman's expression. "You must be so relieved."

Daliya did not bother to hide it. "I am! It's not an easy task and your security is constantly threatened. So I like how it is like this. I'm okay."

Hanan's voice dropped as she let out a small secret, feeling safe to do so. "I consider polygamy from time to time."

Daliya's eyes widened. "Really?!"

Hanan nodded. "It's not my first option but if that's what it comes down to, I don't mind. I'll just need the already existing wife to be sincerely okay with me."

"Would you like to stay in the same house with them?"

It was a bold no. "Not at all. If I'm to be another wife or have another wife join me, I'd like to have my own space. It's safer and it's more comfortable. You don't have to worry about crossing boundaries and all of that."

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