Bonus Chapter 02

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July, 2026

Abuja, Nigeria

"We can see his head, Amal...In and out. You can do it."

Zayd could barely feel his fingers because of how hard Amal gripped his hand. He didn't mind, though. He just needed the delivery to be over. He needed her and their baby boy to be fine.

It was a pre-mature labour; three weeks earlier than the expected delivery date. Although Dr Judith and her team were certain both Amal and the baby were good so far, Zayd wasn't sure he'd be able to relax until the baby was out and Amal was no longer in pain.

"Whenever you're ready, Amal."

Amal held onto Zayd for dear life and pushed with all her might. Like Eysha's delivery, this was just as searing and all she wanted was for it to be over. The pregnancy had been nothing short of nice, especially since she and Hanan were pregnant together. However, Hanan was supposed to be the one delivering first, not her.

Zayd's touch on her forehead felt like feathers and she loved it. She looked at him and he gave her a small smile. "You can do this, sweetheart. We're almost done. I'm so sorry."

She blinked back her tears and was about to reply but the urge to push got overwhelming and she had to give in. She focused on the routine despite how painful it was; push, pause to breathe, gather strength, and push again. Zayd was there the entire time and she was sure he had no idea just how grateful she was. She only wished Hanan was there too.

Soon enough, the baby boy was wailing and Amal let out a relieved breath, not caring about anything else; even the little tear she'd suffered when his head slid out.

Dr Judith smiled behind her mask, the baby boy in her hands. "This is exactly you, Zayd. God, he has a lot of hair."

Amal looked at Zayd when he laughed and asked "He's healthy, right?"

The female doctor nodded. "So far, yes he is. We'll take him for further examination. We just need to get the umbilical cord cut. You'll do the honours, Zayd, right?"

Zayd turned back to Amal and she managed a small smile. "Go ahead."

He waited until she let go of his hand before he pushed himself away from the bed, flexing his fingers so blood could flow. His hand was numb and he was glad that so far, Amal and the baby were good. He just needed them to get cleaned and settled so he could go back home to get Hanan who was now days past her due date.

Despite three of them going through the pregnancy term together, Zayd couldn't still wrap his head around the fact that he'd gotten them pregnant weeks apart from each other and a monthly check-up was what revealed that they were carrying babies; Hanan three weeks ahead of Amal. Both of them were carrying boys and now one was born earlier than his due date while the other boy was still too comfortable in Hanan's body, unwilling to come out.

Zayd had barely gotten the scissors steady in his hand when the doors of the delivery room burst open, a nurse he recognized rushing in. She could hardly catch her breath.

"D-Dr Judith. Dr Judith, the second Mrs Dantata was just rushed in. She's almost fully dilated and her water's already broken."

It was a chaotic blur after that. The umbilical cord was hurriedly cut and Zayd kissed Amal goodbye, promising to be back as soon as Hanan and the other baby was alright. His heart went back to his throat and he followed Dr Judith (who put her assistant doctor in charge of Amal) to another delivery room just down the corridor.

Hanan was being helped out of her dress and into a hospital gown and she focused on breathing in and out. Zayd rushed to her. "Nehita."

Teary eyes met his. "Is Amal okay?"

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