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Zayd travelled at the end of the first week of April. No matter how many times Hanan asked, he wouldn't let her know where he had gone.

"He does that from time to time." Amal said when she pulled Hanan along for Ramadan shopping. "He just waits until you're busy and then he'll call to innocently say 'Oh, Amal, I'm currently on a flight. I'll be back soon'. Or 'I forgot to tell you, I'm in so and so place and I won't be coming back today so please don't stay up waiting for me.'" She rolled her eyes. "He just likes disappearing and giving someone a heart attack." She sighed. "We still love him either way so..."

Hanan said nothing. She tried to imagine being married and waking up on mornings to not see Zayd. As they moved to the next aisle, Amal suddenly stopped and turned to face her, excitement written all over her face.

"Well, since Zayd is out of town and he wouldn't be back for a few days, why don't you come and sleep over?"

Hanan immediately shook her head. "Nah, that's a very unplanned and I don't –"

Amal, who would always be a perfect emotional manipulator, pouted and put on her cutest look. She let of the trolley and linked her arm with Hanan's.

"Come on, Hanan. We'll have fun. Besides, we can get used to staying together so it doesn't seem new when you and Zayd get married." She smiled warmly. "That's if you decide you want to live with Zayd and I. I know you are still considering it."

"You're too observant."

Amal grinned. "I am! It helps a lot and it got me up to this point with you." She leaned in, still smiling. "So, what do you say? Is it a yes or is it a yes?"

Hanan laughed. She could never say no to her. It was too hard. "It's a yes, Amal. You didn't give me any other choice."

Amal squealed, totally forgetting the fact that they were in an extremely busy shopping complex. "Thank you!"

Hanan's cheeks burned when people turned and she pushed the trolley forward, quietly replying. "You're welcome."


Zayd and Amal's home was one Hanan could never get tired of even though she'd only explored the ground floor the first time she came over; on the day she and Zayd decided they wanted to be together. So far, her favourite feature was the terrace that nearly went round the length of the ground floor and then there was the turaren wuta that lingered in every corner. Amal explained that Stephanie burned it for hours each day so the scent hung around the house even on the days they did not burn the traditional incense.

She loved the photo of Amal and Zayd in the living room too. She could stand for hours and never stop looking at it. She loved it that much.

Both of them dumped all they had purchased in the kitchen. Stephanie had closed for the day. Amal then took Hanan's hand and smiled widely.

"Come on, I finally get to take you upstairs." Excitement rolled off her in waves. "You didn't want to go up when I asked the last time."

Hanan laughed, allowing the other woman lead her back to where the staircase was. "I was shy. I'm always shy."

"And it's an adorable trait you have, Hanan, trust me."

There were five bedrooms in total on the first floor; the master bedroom that Zayd and Amal shared, a smaller master's that was Amal's personal room and then three regular ensuite bedrooms; one of which had been converted to a home office. There was a cosy family lounge too and Hanan loved the floral paintings of Amal and Zayd which hung on the wall.

Only the master bedroom and Amal's personal room had terraces and Hanan loved the view. Amal was like a giddy school kid as she took Hanan from one point of the house to another, explaining how every space came to be. Hanan loved all of it and there were so many things that crossed her mind at once.

Being Mrs DantataΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα