From Latifah, With Love

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It's funny how hard it actually is to write a note when you're done writing and editing the main story. I love to write long stuff but I'll do my best to keep this short.

You made it! You finished Being Mrs Dantata. Thank you for reaching this page. I'll be lying if I said it doesn't mean the world to me. Thank you, for making me happy.

Architect and Mrs Dantata and Being Mrs Dantata are my biggest works yet and I am still scared of accepting the fact that all of this came from my head. It was way out of my comfort zone because all my life, I've written about monogamous relationships while being a closeted admirer of polygamous marriages that actually work. In Islam, we learn to not close the door to polygamy because it's a part of the religion that so many people practice. As scary as it seems to share your spouse with someone, there are people who make it seem so easy. That was what pushed me to write this book.

Miscarriages are a recurrent occurrence in my books. You would know if you've read Lovestruck in the Capital City. I'm sure you're wondering why. To be frank, I have no idea either. I always find myself thinking about it and about people who have gone through one event or the other. That sounds crazy, I know, but it's the truth.

I deal with PCOS so most of the time, I wonder if I'll be able to bear a child and whether or not I'll be able to see my eventual pregnancies to the very end. Thoughts like those make me incorporate one or two things into my book and I guess that's why these themes always find their way in.

I'm rambling. I'm sorry.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this story. I know it centred on Amal, Zayd and Hanan but I did my best to touch the other characters so there aren't much plot holes. I may have taken a liking to Ahmed in the last part of the book. I'm sure you noticed. Don't blame me, it couldn't be helped.

Concerning Hauwa's sweetheart, I'll leave you to wonder who it is. Be rest assured I've gotten her own story covered and I look forward to sending it your way soon (it's going up now sef). Your favourite characters will be there too. Until then though, I hope you do take care of yourself. Please stay healthy and safe wherever you are.

Also, bonus chapters are coming. Just be on the lookout because they're going to be here when you least expect them. In the meantime, let's get started on book three.

This is me sending you a lot of kisses and hugs.

-Latifah Efua A.

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