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The smile on Ahmed's face disappeared when he saw who stood on the other side of the main doors. Hanan, dressed in a lilac coloured jilbab, smiled warmly at him. "Assalam Alaykum, Ahmed."

He swallowed, tears threatening to surface. "Waalaykum Salam...Hanan, it's –" He had to pause to breathe. "It's so good to see you. I had no idea you had been discharged."

She continued smiling, moving the covered basket she held from her right hand to her left. "I got discharged this morning. I said before I start sleeping again, I wanted to prepare something for you and the kids. I want it to be an olive branch of peace, to let you know that I don't blame you for anything that happened. So you don't have to keep hiding away from me because you feel guilty."

The tears welled up then. "Hanan..."

Her smile did not waver. "If we're being honest, you were the one hit most. I only knew her for about a year but you had been with her for much longer and had planned to spend eternity by her side." She briefly exhaled. "It wasn't your fault, Ahmed, and no one thinks that. I certainly don't. I know that's why you've stayed indoors and I'm so sorry you have to deal with everything."

"I should be the one apologizing, Hanan. You nearly lost your life."

"And you had no role to play in it so it's fine." Her smile widened and she held out the basket. "It's an early Iftar for you and the kids. I didn't know what to make so I just made a number of dishes. Be sure to heat it up and I hope you enjoy it since it's the last day of Ramadan."

Ahmed took it from her, wiping away the tear that slid down his cheek immediately after. "May Allah bless you, Hanan."

"Ameen. May He bless you too...How are you holding up?"

He nodded, shooting her a small smile. "It's hard but we have to take baby steps. The kids understand so Alhamdulillah for that. They're the best angels and I don't think I could have asked for anything better."

"Alhamdulillah. I pray Allah makes it easy."


"If you need anything, Ahmed, do let us know. She caused a lot of damage but that doesn't mean our friendship has to end because of it. Like everyone is saying, we'll be fine In Shaa Allah."

He stared at the basket for a long minute before he raised his head to look at her. "Do you want to come in? I'm trying to do some prepping for Eid meals before the caterer arrives and I might need help with the guest room downstairs because someone will be staying there soon. It's alright to say no, Hanan, since you're carrying babies and all and –"

She walked right past him. "Oh nonsense! Like I tell everyone, I'm pregnant and not handicapped. Do you mind if I call anyone else?"

He shook his head. "No, I need all the help I can get."

"Good. Because I know the others will be happy to come over." She looked around and nodded in approval. "You're holding up fine, Ahmed. I'm proud of you."

He smiled and it was sincerely wide; his first in the whole week. "Thank you, Hanan."

She fully faced him and smiled back just as sincerely. "You're welcome."

The others were thrilled to come and help. The kids were at his sister's house so it made their work easier. When they asked why he was rearranging the guest room, Ahmed rubbed the back of his neck.

"My parents were here the day before yesterday and Mama returned yesterday. She said it's better if we have someone staying with the kids. I took a break but it's only for a short while. I'll be back to work before we know it and they can't stay alone."

Being Mrs Dantataحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن