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In no particular order,

Thank you, Lea. Imposter Syndrome is a crazy thing so thank God we overcame it and decided to get this work done and dusted. Thank you for pushing me out of bed even on the days that seemed gloomy. Thanks for taking care of me too. You made sure I was always writing so I didn't fall out of the pace I had created. You have no idea how grateful I am. Here's to many more works with you.

Sumayah, Nina, Nana Aisha, Nana Hauwa, Hamdeeyah Kabir Dembos, Aisha Mustapha, Kaycee, Ene, Sofiyah (Laliyah), and every other person who went over my ideas with me and ensured everything sounded fine, thank you so much. I really can't thank you enough. I know I'm a very confused person who has too many ideas running through her head at once so thank you for staying patient with me. I really, really, really appreciate it.

To Mum and Dad, thank you for your constant support and love. I don't know where I'll be at this point without you two. Rashidat, thank you too for your random videos and stickers. They never fail to crack me up and I look forward to receiving more.

Then to you, dearest gentle reader, thank you for giving this work a chance and for making it to the very end. I'm extremely grateful. Be rest assured that I love you with every part of my being. I really do.

Then to my future husband...Boy, you better get here soon because I keep raising my own standards. Thank you, whoever you turn out to be. You've made me think of lovely scenarios which always end up in my books. Remind me to bring them to life with you In Shaa Allah. 

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