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[You see this chapter? I cried while editing it. Here's to hoping you don't cry too. Also, it is a very long chapter, so hold tight.]

"Do you want to tell me what's going on now?"

Zayd didn't hear her. They were in her room and he sat on her bed, completely spaced out and unconsciously fiddling with his hands. She stepped out of her wardrobe area and sighed softly.


He raised his head, humming softly in reply. She repeated the question. "Do you want to tell me what's going on now?"

"I don't think I understand. There's nothing going on."

She stared at him for a moment and then walked back into the wardrobe space to close all the doors and drawers. When she finished, she stepped into the room. "Are you okay, Sa'ed?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I am. Why would you ask that?"

"You haven't been yourself since I returned."

"You're overthinking everything." He managed to smile. He was not sure he was doing a good job convincing her that he was alright. There was only so much he could do when his mind was a mess. "I'm just tired."

She did not smile back. His act was wack but she was not going to call him out. Not yet at least. "I think there's something else and you don't want to tell me about it."

His smile dropped and he lowered his head. He said nothing. He did not want his to delve into his thoughts. They felt wrong to even begin with.

She walked over and sat beside him. She then took her hand in his, her voice extremely soft when she asked "What's wrong, Sa'ed?"

Guilt and so many other emotions threatened to drown him whole. He exhaled slowly. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"You just got back and I should be the warmest person but I'm getting you worried instead."

She smiled at him. "I'm not complaining. You have to be fine to be a warm person." She gave his hand a gentle squeeze. "What's wrong, Sa'ed?"

Zayd could not lie to her and he never wanted to keep secrets from her. He swallowed a little difficultly and let it out. "It's Hanan."

Amal's expression stayed calm. She had suspected and expected it. "What happened to her?"

"Nothing. I just haven't been able to reach her since New Year's Day and I'm beginning to think she doesn't want to talk to me. I can't seem to understand why."

"Did you two argue?"

He shook his head. "We didn't. We finished the renovation and I took her home. We said goodbye and I haven't been able to reach since then. I got in touch with Jonathan to see if he was able to get through to her and he was so I don't understand my calls and texts aren't going through."

"Did you two talk before you took her home?" She asked. There had to be a reason. She didn't expect to come back to them not being on talking terms. "Maybe you touched a topic that's sensitive for her."

Zayd looked away and that was all the confirmation she needed. She squeezed his hand again, the pace of her heart picking up. "What did you two talk about? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I'll understand."

"I don't keep secrets from you, Amal." His emotions kept pulling him under. "You know that."

"If it's something that's just between you and Hanan, you don't have to tell me. I'll understand."

He shook his head. "It's not a secret." It definitely felt like one. "At least she didn't say it was."

He sighed a moment later and then he started talking.

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