Chapter .1

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Enids POV:

Me and my family have recently moved to a nearby town and honestly this place has got me shivering in my timbers.

The only reason I actually agreed with moving is because I was told I would get my own room. There's no way I can stand sleeping in the same room that my brothers are constantly stainkin like forbidden chucky cheese pizza left out for a couple of days in the back of an old rusty crust rat infested dumpster so I just had to take the offer.

Other than being scared of this place, the thought of starting school tomorrow has got me sweating just thinking about it.

My brothers told me that there is a girl in my grade known for almost killing someone because they made fun of her younger brother but honestly that's a valid reason.

I am currently pacing back and forth in my room trying to think of the perfect outfit for tomorrow because first impressions are incredibly important but nothing is coming up in my mind.

"I give up" I groan

I grab my phone from the top of my dresser and make my way downstairs.

"I'm going out" I yell loud enough for my mom to hear

"Okay be back before the lights are out!"

I close the door on my way out and start walking to who knows where.

It was pretty bright outside today but it wasn't too hot, so it was basically the perfect weather.

After a while I find myself in a park. Despite the creepy vibe of this town, the park is incredibly beautiful.

"Move out the way!" A voice shouts towards me

As I move out the way two teens speed past me while on skateboards. The girl who shouted at me had her hair in braids and was soon followed by a boy wearing a beanie who apologized quickly.

I brushed off whatever had just happened and made my way towards a swing set.

"Hey you!"

I turn towards the voice

"Yeah you come here" a girl with long black hair and sun glasses said motioning for me to come towards her and her group of friends. I take a closer look at the group as I get closer to them.

There was a girl with short brown hair and a girl with a super shiny bald head. Not gonna lie that thing almost blinded me.

"Hi I'm Yoko"

"I'm Enid it's nice to meet you" I said with a smile

"It's nice to meet you too. Did you just move here?"

"Yeah how'd you know?"

"The words spread fast around here"


"Oh I'm so sorry where are my manners? This is my girlfriend Divina" she said pointing to the girl with short brown hair who waved "and this is Bianca" she said pointing to the girl with the shiny head who also waved.

"Nice to meet you both," I said, smiling.

"So when do you start school?" Bianca asked

"Oh, tomorrow."

"Do you have your schedule yet?" Yoko asked

"No, I'll get it tomorrow."

"O.m.g. we can take you to get your schedule and see if we have any classes together!" Divina said cheerfully

"Then we could show you around" Yoko said

"Yeah I wouldn't mind doing that, sure."

"Great can I have your number?" Yoko asked

"Yeah sure let me have your phone."

Yoko pulled her phone out of her back pocket and handed it over to me.

"Do you guys have any other friendships?" I asked as I typed in my number

"Yeah we do some are here with us now but they're riding around the park on their boards" Bianca answered

"Oh okay" I said handing back the phone

"I have to get home but I'll see you guys tomorrow" I said as I began walking off

"Bye see you tomorrow Enid. Meet us at the front of the school before the bell rings!" Yoko shouted

I turn around and give her a thumbs up before continuing to walk back home.


"Enid is that you?" My mom shouted as I shut the door

"Yeah" I respond before heading up to my room.

Now that I have a couple of people to talk to tomorrow I don't feel as nervous anymore.

For some reason my mind keeps wandering back to when the girl with her hair in braids almost ran me over. Maybe I'll see her tomorrow at school who knows?

773 words

Omg new book😱
Sorry it's short but anyway hope yall enjoy btw nobody has any powers or anything in this book just so yall know🤧

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