Chapter .4

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The sound of the door closing wakes me up.

It dawned on me that I wasn't in my room when I looked around. Where was I again?

Suddenly, I feel a heavy weight against my chest. My eyes are drawn to Wednesday's head lying on my chest while she sleeps. Taking a deep breath, I smiled, feeling warm inside

"Enid go back to sleep it's too early" Wednesday mumbled tiredly

"Um it's 11"

"Yeah too early" she dug her head deeper into my chest

"Girl you're squishing my boobs"

"Now that right there sounds like a you problem" she said rolling off me

"Hey I never said you had to get off me" I said with a frown

"Yeah well I gotta pee" she said before climbing over me and heading to the bathroom.

I'm hungry.

The sound of my bones cracking could be heard as I stood up and stretched.

"Hey are you staying for breakfast or..." Wednesday asked walking out of the bathroom as she finished up her braids.

"I'd love to just let me use the bathroom real quick."

"Okay I'll be downstairs in the kitchen" she said leaving the room

Wednesday's POV:

"Good morning Wednesday" her mom said with a smile

"Morning" she muttered back

"How did you sleep?" Her mother asked suspiciously

"Yeah Wednesday how did you sleep last night?" her brother said teasingly

"I slept fine why do you ask?" She asked confused

"I just wa-"

"We saw you sleeping with your little girlfriend this morning" he teased

I felt my cheeks flush as I realized both him and my mom had seen us.

"Shut up Pugsley she's not my girlfriend" she said in an annoyed tone

"Then why are you blushing?" he asked teasingly. She rolled her eyes and said, "I'm not blushing." Pugsley raised an eyebrow and said, "Sure you're not." She huffed, turning away from him. Pink blushes still adorned her cheeks.

Pugsley stood there with a satisfied smirk on his face.

"Pugsley leave your sister alone" her mom said giving him the look

"Okay fine but you can't deny that her gayitis is now off the charts and is more severe than ever" he said putting his hands up in defense.

"Fuck off Pugsley!"

"Wednesday language! Pugsley leave your sister alone or I'm getting rid of your little boyfriend" her mom said sternly

"He's not my boyfriend he's just a friend mom!" He whined

"Eww you have a boyfriend? Kill yourself." I said disgusted

"Be quiet, your girlfriend is upstairs she might hear what you're saying."

"For the last time she isn't my girlfriend!" She spoke angrily

"Okay the both of you enough, help me set up the table" she said handing them plates.

"Will dad be joining us?" Pugsley asked

"No unfortunately he had to leave early for work again."

Thank goodness he wouldn't be attending breakfast because he always drowns guests in questions.

And she was also not fond of being around her father.

She was quickly pulled out her thoughts when she heard her mom speak "Hello dear good morning why don't you go ahead and take a seat breakfast is almost ready"

There stood Enid. Her hair was now brushed down and her perfume stronger than before.

"Beep beep beep! The gaydar is reaching max capacity" her brother whispered teasingly into her ear.

"If you don't stop I won't hesitate to tell mom that you actually have a boyfriend" she said harshly poking a finger at his chest

"Hey! You pinky swore you wouldn't tell" he said feeling betrayed

"My fingers were crossed" she said taking a seat at the table

"Hey Wednesday" Enid said walking up to her

"Hi Enid there's an empty sea-"

"Enid why don't you take a seat beside Wednesday since nobody sits there?" Pugsley said cutting her off.

"I mean if that's okay wi-"

"Of course she's okay with it. Right Wednesday?" He grinned.

"Yeah, sure."

"Great, thanks" she smiled and took a seat beside her.

Soon Pugsley sat in front of her and her mom came over with a plate of pancakes. She sat them down on the table allowing everyone to serve themselves.

"So Enid how are you adjusting to everything?" her mom asked once everyone grabbed their food.

"I'm adjusting well. My dad got hired as a lawyer and my mom is helping out at the senior center on Sundays. It's just my classes that are throwing me off a bit."

"Well it's a pleasure to know how you're adjusting to the place" her mom said with a smile

"So how'd you sleep last night?" Pugsley asked smirking.

I quickly kick his leg under the table letting a smirk fall to my face as he hisses in pain. He glares at me before shrugging it off.

"I had the best sleep ever. I practically slept like a baby! That is the most comfortable bed ever" she said with joy

As she said that I couldn't help but feel my face warm up.

"Is that so? Wednesday how did you sleep?" Pugsley asked with a smug smile on his face

"Um I slept well I suppose" I said looking down at my food not wanting to make eye contact with her knowing I'd fold.

"So Enid do you have any siblings?" My mom asked her

My face got warmer as her hand briefly brushed against mine. I wouldn't dare look up knowing Pugsley would catch me blushing.

I listened as both my mom and Enid spoke together.

In a matter of seconds, the room became much warmer than usual. In the back of my neck, I could feel sweat accumulating. My hands became sweaty, and the shirt I was wearing became scratchy. I needed to get out of here now.

The dots in my vision covered my vision for a few seconds as I rose from my chair. My hands clench tightly as I hurry up to my room. After pulling my shirt off, I threw it somewhere in my room, feeling much better now that the itchy feeling had subsided. I sat down on my bed and took a deep breath. I looked down at my hands and realized I had been scratching my skin raw.

However, I was still too warm. I got up from my bed and opened my window, hoping the cool breeze would help me cool down. I leaned against the window sill, closing my eyes and enjoying the feel of the wind on my skin.

1135 words

This ones kinda bad but im still figuring out the plot of the story and I wanna find a way to put in some angst so I can have yall crying
Btw I will be posting fluff on my tik tok if yall need a break from my other books🥶

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