Chapter .6

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"I'm so glad we left Xavier outside."

"You know what honestly same he kinda gets on my nerves"

Spoke hushed voices.

"Wednesday... Wednesday..."

I groan turning over at the feeling of someone's finger poking at my face. I try to bury my head into my pillow, but the poking persists.

"She looks like a baby"

"Ajax shut up!"

"Why she got one leg hanging off the bed?"

"Kent shut up."

"You guys she's not waking up"

"Holy shit is she dead!?" Enid?

"What the fuck are you guys doing here?" I said sitting up in my bed rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes.

"Oh thank goodness girl we thought you were dead" Yoko said putting a hand to her chest

I look around the room spotting Bianca, Enid, Divina, Kent and Ajax.

"How long have you guys been in here?"

"About 15ish minutes" Bianca said from the floor

"You guys have been watching me sleep for 15 minutes?" I said standing up from my bed and stretching

"Hey if it makes you feel better you look pretty cute when you sleep" Enid spoke from the edge of my bed.

As I stretched I could feel her eyes on me as my shirt lifted.

"Ooooo she called you cute" Kent teased

"Can you guys step out so I can change?" I said walking over to my closet.

"Do you want Enid to stay while you're at it" Bianca teased as she walked over to the door.

"Let's hurry up and get out so they can smooch each other" Yoko snickered

"Yoko hurry up" Divina said from the hallway

"Didn't know you worked out" Enid said putting her hand on my stomach before walking out, closing the door behind her.


"Ugh finally you guys came out here" Xavier said as we walked out of the house

"We took a long time on purpose" I sighed, squinting my eyes once the bright sun hit my face

"Yeah but we also thought you could use a tan like come on you look like fun dip powder" Bianca said

"She's not wrong" Enid said

"Where are we going again?" Kent asked

"First the park then we're going to get some lunch at the weathervane" Yoko said sliding her sun glasses on

The park soon came into view as we turned a corner.

I felt a sudden wave of excitement hit me.

"Last one to the swings pays for lunch!" I shouted gripping on to my board tightly as adrenaline coursed through my veins while I ran towards the swing set.

I heard the sound of pounding footsteps behind me once I reached the swings.

"Why you got us running in this hot ass weather?" Ajax said hunched over out of breath. His face was covered in sweat. I couldn't help but laugh.

"How are ya'll not tired? I feel like I'm about to pass out" Bianca flopped down on the ground catching her breath.

"Wait... so who was the last one to get here?" Enid asked

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