Chapter .13

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Wednesday's POV:

I woke up to the sound of my phone going off.

Who the fuck calls this early in the morning?

I leaned over to my bedside table, grabbed my phone, and answered it without bothering to check who it was.

"Hello?" I murmured tiredly

"Hey Wednesday! We're going to the park later. Wanna come?"

"Who are you?" I asked still half asleep

"It's me Yoko. Sorry did I wake you up?" She asked

"You should be sorry," I said trying to keep my eyes open

"Anyway you coming or not?" She asked

"Mmm, what time?"

"At 2 oh and we're staying over at Enid's house for the night" she explained

"Yeah okay see you later" I mumbled

"Are you going back to sle-"

I hung up on her before she could finish her sentence.

Why are they always wanting to go to the park? Is this town really that boring?

Whatever I don't care.

I drop myself back onto my pillow closing my eyes.

Enid's POV:

"Enid!" Yoko shouted, "Over here!"

"Hey, you guys!" I said as I sat beside Divina

"Hey Enid," Bianca said looking up from her phone

"Where's Wednesday?" I asked looking around

"Why? Miss her already?" Kent teased

"I just texted her and she said she's on her way" Bianca answered

"Oh okay."

"Hey guys!"

I looked over hoping it was Wednesday but it wasn't. It was that ugly-faced Q-tip.

"Did you guys invite him?" I asked looking at the others

"No I haven't spoken to Xavier since Wednesday broke her arm," Yoko said

"Me too he like ghosted us" Bianca huffed

"Who pissed in your guy's cereal this morning?" He said sitting beside Kent

"What are you doing here?" Ajax asked as he walked towards us

"What do you mean Wednesday invited me?" he said confused

"Why would she invite you?" I asked in disgust.

"She hasn't told you guys yet? We're dating now" he said

"Boy, Why is you lyin'?" Bianca said raising an eyebrow

"Yeah there is no way Wednesday would ever be with you," Yoko said

"Yeah she can barely look at you without wanting to jump off a cliff" I huffed

"Well it just seems like you're jealous" he glared at me

"She would've told us if she was dating you," Divina said rolling her eyes

"Maybe she just grew tired of you guys" he shrugged

"Show proof that you guys are dating," Kent said angrily

"Sure" he shrugged as he took his phone out

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