Chapter .22

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Axton's POV:

This is like, the 10th time Enid has had her "friend" stay the night. It's pretty they're obvious they ain't just friends.

The way they both look at each other with goo-goo eyes just gives away the whole "we're just friends" excuse. They also for some reason can't keep their hands to themselves which is also really weird especially when that's a skill you learn in like preschool.

So pray for me because I'm about to barge into Enid's room and hopefully not get traumatized by them making out or something. I should probably make a ship account for them. I wonder what their ship name would be... probably wenclair, yeah that sounds about right.

"Hey, you better leave those girls alone you hear me?" My dad said as he walked past me

"I wasn't going to do anything, I'm just admiring Enid's door," I said watching him shake his head as he walked down the stairs.

Finally, he's gone or else I would've been too late to complete this mission. I swear if they're making out with each other I'm going to purposely slip off a cliff.

Enid's POV:

My hand ran through Wednesday's hair while she slept quietly. I felt a warmth spread through my body as I watched her face. I was lost in her beauty. I leaned down and kissed her forehead.

Who knew such a loud and mean-looking person could be so soft?

Today I have a soccer game and Wednesday's going to be there which I'm kinda excited and nervous about. I just hope I don't end up embarrassing myself in front of her.

Suddenly the door swung open causing me to jump and quickly pull my hand away from her.

"I knew it!" Axton shouted pointing at the both of us "I knew you guys were dating!" He shouted still pointing at at the both of us

"We aren't dating she just has trouble sleeping sometimes and she also moves a lot in her sleep" I lied rolling my eyes at him "So can you just skedaddle and annoy someone else"

"But she's literally on top of you! You can not tell me you guys aren't dating" he spoke in disbelief "Is this why you guys are always up in your room?"

"Can you tell your musty ass brother to shut the fuck up... please" Wednesday mumbled tiredly into my neck

"I will not shut up until you guys admit you're dating" he huffed crossing his arms

"We're not dating, there, now leave" Wednesday groaned grabbing a pillow and throwing it at him

"You were supposed to say yes" he scoffed, grabbing the pillow from the floor and throwing it at us "If you guys don't tell me I'll somehow find out either way," he said squinting his eyes "I always find things out" he spoke menacingly as he slowly backed out the room

"Your brother is a weirdo" Wednesday muttered, rolling off of me

"I heard that!" He shouted from his room

"Please get a lock, oh, and maybe some soundproof walls," she said pointing up at the roof

"Yeah, no, of course, anything for you," I said while winking at her

"Shut up" she laughed pushing me away "You're so corny," she said covering her eyes with her arm

"You love it though," I said stepping out of bed

"I do" she huffed watching me as I stretched "You know sometimes I wonder if you could just fold me up like a foldable chair," she said as she continued to watch me

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