Chapter .10

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"Wednesday, hun is that you?" Her mom asked as she stepped out of the kitchen.

"Yeah" I mutter loud enough for her to hear

"Where on earth have you been? I was worried about you" she said grabbing her face checking for any injuries. I looked up at her and said, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you. I was just over at a friend's house" I replied peeling her hands from my face.

"Was it Bianca's? Did you make sure to tell the girl I'd be willing to give her some of my hair grower?" She said pushing me into the kitchen

"I didn't go to Bianca's house I went to another one of my friends' house" I said taking a seat at the dining table.

"was it that girl Enid's house?" she asked as she placed a plate of food in front of me.

"Thank you. Yeah she let me stay over" I said picking up my fork

"Just so you know I really like Enid" she said sitting across from me

"Uhm okay..." I wasn't sure what to say or do. I felt my face flush and my heart raced. I could feel my palms start to sweat and I tried hard to focus on something else. I finally managed to mutter a response. "That's nice," I said, trying to keep my voice from shaking.

"If you ever have something to tell me I'm here" she said placing her hand on top of mine

"Whatever you want to say spit it out already" I said sitting back in my chair crossing my arms

"Are you and Enid like...together?" She asked hesitant

"What! No, we're just friends. Where did you get that idea?" I asked firmly

"Well you guys are always together and you look at her like your father used to look at me" she said softly

"Do not compare me to dad. I am nothing like him" I said coldly. She shook her head and said nothing more. I could tell she was hurt but I couldn't bring myself to apologize.

We sat there in silence for a few moments before she spoke up. "Right sorry. I'll be out in the garden if you need me alright?" she said flashing me a warm smile before walking out.


Enid's POV:

"Ugh what do I do!?" I said pacing around the room

"Well first of all stop pacing around the room cause you're making me dizzy" Bianca said from my bed

"Sorry" I whispered stopping my movement

"Why'd you make us come here again?" Yoko asked

"Cause I think I like Wednesday" I said putting my head in my hands

"You think!?" Bianca said sarcastically

"Girl you're a bit late to the party" Yoko said tilting her head and crossing her arms

"Didn't we talk about this already?" Bianca asked confused

"Yeah but I wasn't one hundred percent sure then" I said beginning to pace back and forth

"That was like 2 hours ago" Yoko said with an awed expression. I stopped pacing and looked at her. "I know, I know," I said before pacing around the room again.

"2 hours is a long time to think" Bianca shrugged agreeingly

"Ugh you guys are no help. What do I do?" I whined

"Just tell the girl how you feel" Bianca shrugged

"How!? I don't even know how to properly shave my legs without cutting my knee at least once" I sighed. Asking her out seemed so simple and yet so complicated. I was scared of rejection.

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