Chapter .5

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It's been a couple of weeks since Enid stayed over at my house and honestly I find it extremely difficult to keep my eyes from wandering back over to her.

The way she smiled and laughed made my heart stop. The sound of her laughter was like listening to little kids fall and cry. In short terms the most beautifulest sound ever.

I feel happy when I'm around her. Not like the kind of happy I feel when I'm with my friends. A different, better type of happy?

She's always listening to me when I'm rambling about my favorite things, which most people don't do.

She's earned a special place in my heart that no many get into.

But sadly happiness can't last forever.

I've always hated returning back home after school especially since neither my mom nor Pugsley would be home. Just thinking about being left home alone with my dad scared me. I would be constantly worried if he'd be in one of his "moods" or if he would be too inebriated. I never knew what to expect when returning home which always caused my anxiety to spike.

I was never allowed to leave anywhere after school ended unless someone else was home with him. If I got home any later than 15 minutes exactly after school ended he would be furious and become violent. I was never able to have any after-school activities, like sports or clubs. I couldn't hang out with friends either, since I had to be home by a certain time. I lived in constant fear of being late and having to deal with the consequences.

He always treated me differently from Pugsley.

When he was angry with me he always told me he wished I was born a boy instead. sometimes he would even say he wished I was never born. I felt like I was never good enough for him, like I had to prove something to him. When I was younger, I was constantly trying to find ways to make him happy, even if that meant making myself unhappy. I was scared of his anger.

Now I try not to take the things he says to heart cause it's all out of anger and deep inside he loves me... right?

"Wednesday hurry up and get your ass down here!"

He was just passed out on the couch a minute ago. What now!?

I hastily make my way down the stairs and into the living room where he's sitting on the couch, holding a bottle of beer in his right hand.

"What" I said, trying to keep my tone down

"Can you pass me the controller?"

"But- it's right in front of you"

"Look I've had a really rough day so Just give me the god damn controller!" He grumbled, his speech slurred.

I grab the controller and toss it onto the couch for him to grab.

"Get over here and put the controller in my fucking hand," he snapped at me.

"Can't you just grab it yourself?" I replied out of spite, immediately regretting what I had just said.

"Who are you, telling me what to do? Can't you do anything right in this damn house?" His voice rose and his words slurred.

"Okay I'm sorry here" she walked over to the couch and handed him the controller "Want another beer?" I ask hoping it will put him back in a good mood

"Ugh finally you do something around here" he muttered

I felt my face flush with anger as I turned and walked away. I walk into the kitchen and grab a beer from the fridge.

"What's taking you so long?" He shouted

I walk back into the living room and hand him his beer.

"Leave I don't need you here anymore" he said putting the new beer on the floor.

I hastily make my way back to my room making sure to lock the door.

I lay down on my bed wishing my mom or Pugsley would get home soon. Every second felt like an eternity.

I felt my phone vibrate against the bed. My phone turned on a notification popping up.

A small smile makes its way to my lips.


Yoko: Hey wanna hang at the park tomorrow?

Wednesday: idk I'll think about it

Yoko: Enid's gonna be there😋

Wednesday: Like I said I'll think about it

Yoko: you already know you're going cause Enid's gonna be there🙄🤭

Wednesday: Fine, I'll go

Yoko: one more question

Yoko: lend me 50?

Wednesday: No.

Yoko: Enid needs it tho😔

Wednesday: im not stupid Yoko💀

Yoko: It was worth a try🤷🏻‍♀️

My eyes were drawn to the ceiling as I put down my phone.

There is only one thing on my mind - those ocean blue eyes that I can't turn away from. When she spoke to you, she would maintain eye contact. When she was excited, her eyes shone brightly.

There's something about those eyes that drew me towards them. It's just that I can't pinpoint what it is.

Now that I think about it I always want to be near her. Not in the 'oh she's my friend' type of way more like if I were to be away from her my heart would stop.

Do I like Enid?

Was Pugsley right?

Nah Pugsley's never right.

For example when he said he was straight.

Therefore, I don't like Enid. Perhaps I just admire her for being cool, pretty, and confident.

Yeah, that sounds about right.

1014 words

Sorry it's short but yall better enjoy it cause I love this chapter🤭
I already have an idea of what the next chapter would be and maybe I'll post it this week if I feel like it🤷🏽‍♀️

Yall I don't think I can stick with posting fluff on my tik tok I suck at it and orverall makes cringe😭
angst is the only thing I'm good at😋

School starts in like a month and a half and I still haven't had my glow up🧍🏽‍♀️

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