Chapter .11

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It's been at least a week since my emergency meeting with Bianca and Yoko and I've realized I don't like Wednesday.

I love her. I'm in love with the Wednesday Addams. I'm in love with Wednesday's mischievousness, dark humor, and her unapologetic acceptance of who she is.

But what if she doesn't like me back and doesn't want to be friends with me anymore?

Ugh what am I gonna do?

Wednesday's POV:

As I flopped onto my bed, I rubbed my eyes in stress. My mind wouldn't stop wandering back to Enid, and it was incredibly annoying. I couldn't even focus in class the other day all because I couldn't get Enid out my mind.

I should probably also mention that I did in fact steal the sweater she let me borrow when we went to the fair.

But the more I think about the bright cheerful girl the more I get this weird feeling in my chest.

Whenever I see her, I feel as if I am being drawn towards her. I always want to be near her and I don't understand why. I guess I'll still think she's really cool.

I feel my eyes begin to droop as I flip onto my stomach tiredly.

Why think when you could nap? I burrow myself deeper into the soft sheets, letting my body relax into the mattress. I close my eyes and feel my breathing slow.

As I'm about to fall asleep I hear the most nasty irritating noise. My phone. And it's not a message, it's a call.

I groaned loudly as I stretched my hand over to my bed side table grabbing my phone.

As I look at the caller ID, I groan even louder when I see that it's Bianca. Why is Bianca always calling me?

I let out a deep sigh as I answer the phone. I am already dreading the conversation that's about to take place.

"Hello" I muttered as I answered the phone

"Hey Wednesday how are you my amazing, cool, good looking, bald shamer, big ass forehead of a friend?" Bianca asked happily

Why does she sound so happy??

What does she need now? Can't she see I'm not made of food at the moment? I have like 10 cents to my name.

"Ugh what do you need now?" I asked in an annoyed tone

"Nothing... I was just wondering if you wanted to head to the park with me and the others. No need to be so rude" Bianca scoffed

I can smell her rolling her eyes at me from a mile away.

"Hmm I don't know. I'm kinda busy"

I am not busy at all I just don't wanna risk getting blind from her weirdly shiny round head. I wonder if it bounces?

"But come on Enid's coming with us you don't want to let her down do you?" Bianca pleaded

I groaned loudly "But I was about to take a nap" I whined

"Wa wa cry me a river. You can sleep on your little girlfriend's lap when you're over here" she said.

"Promise?" I asked jokingly

"Promise. So you coming or not?"

"Fine I'll go but is Xavier going to be there?" I asked having an idea in mind

"Yeah... why do you ask?" she asked suspiciously

"Cause I feel like making him run again" I said with a smirk

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