Chapter .15

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Enid's POV:

"Are you sure we should be doing this?" I asked as I walked with Yoko and Bianca towards Wednesday's house

"Yes. She has been looking... gloomier than usual and anyway I already asked Morticia if we could come over and steal Wednesday and she said yes." Yoko shrugged.

Me and Bianca look over at each other knowingly.

"And who dosent like a girls day?" Yoko said

"Wait if this is a girl's day then where's Divina?" I asked

"She's at like some family reunion or something" Yoko said

"Wait we already have everything we'll need at my house right?" Bianca asked

"I brought the snacks" I said

"And I've got money for when we go out later" Yoko said patting her pocket.

"Okay and I have everything else we'll need for the night then" Bianca said

"So where are we going later?" I asked

"Well I was hoping we could go get something to eat at the Weathervane" Yoko said with a smile

"Yeah that dosent seem so bad" I nodded agreeingly

"Okay lunch at the Weathervane it is" Bianca said

"Wait. And Wednesday doesn't know about all this?" I asked confused

"Nope. She could be taking the fattest stankiest shit right now and she wouldn't know we're trying to kidnap her." Yoko laughed.

"O. M. G!" I yelled excitedly as I got an idea

"Holy shit Enid you scared me" Bianca said as she jumped holding her hand up to her heart

"Sorry, sorry but we should totally give Wednesday a makeover" I squealed

"I thought you already thought she was beautiful?" Yoko said raising an eyebrow

"Well she is but just imagine how much more beautiful she could get! She'd probably break the beauty scale or something!" I said excitedly

"Has she spoken to you about the kiss thing yet?" Bianca asked

"No but I'm trying not to let it get to me. It has only been a week and I know she needs time for this type of stuff" I said with a smile

"Look at you. All grown up" Yoko said wiping the fake tears from her eyes

"They grow up so fast" Bianca sniffled joining in on the bit

"You guys are so dramatic" I laughed shaking my head

We walked up towards the front of the house knocking on the door waiting for someone to answer.

The door soon opened revealing Morticia.

"Hello my dears, come on in Wednesday's up in her room doing who knows what" she said with a smile as she let them in

"Thanks again for letting us do this Morticia" Yoko smiled

"Of course no problem. She's just been up in her room for the past couple of days and I already miss her bugging me cause she's bored and stuff. I'm just happy to be seeing her get out of the house" Morticia said before pulling each of them into a tight hug

"Oh! Bianca tell your mother I'll be dropping off some enchiladas for her tomorrow" she said before rushing off into the kitchen

"What are enchiladas?" I asked as we walked upstairs

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