Chapter 8

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Mutmahinat rolled up the tinted windows and lift up her niqab. She come to the back seat through the little space between the driver's seat and the passengers seat.
"Ma Sha Allah Mutmahinat....."
"No call me Mrs. Ibrahim. Seriously i love that" She said blushing and i smile.
"So Ibrahim is his surname?" I asked and she nod
"What are you two talking about?" M.M asked
"Will you concentrate on driving " Mrs Ibrahim said

We got into a deep conversation not knowing when we arrived at their house
"We're home" M.M said and we all got down.
"So Miskiyyah welcome to my mansion"
"My mansion or our mansion?" M.M asked and Mrs Ibrahim just roll her eyes. The two got into fight with Mrs. Ibrahim doing most of the talking trying to prove to her husband that it's her mansion.
I smile as i watch they argue. My mum told me that when couples argue it shows that they love each other. She always told me that whenever i found out her and my dad are avoiding each other.

Mrs Ibrahim took my hand and drag me in. The mansion is even more bigger from inside.
"Do you stay here alone" I asked M.M
"Of course not. He sleeps at his parents house whenever I'm not around. Mum said he wouldn't stop calling my name when sleeping." Mrs Ibrahim said and M.M just shook his head before going upstairs.
"Let me show you around the house" Mrs Ibrahim said and I nod.


"You blog?" I asked surprised and she nod.
"I do it in a halal way and also i don't use to show my face, i do wear niqab. You can check my website on YouTube and go through them. I mostly talk about Muslim women."
"But is our voice not part of our awrah?" I asked and she smile.
"woman's voice is not 'awrah in and of itself; rather a woman should keep her voice away from non-mahram men, and men should not be allowed to hear it, if the voice is used in such a way as to cause fitnah and pleasure, and if the voice is produced in a natural way or if it is in the context of chitchat, joking, laughing and the like, which may cause fitnah." She said and I heave a sigh.
"But still some of your non mahram will hear your voice and if he love it and start listening to your voice everyday then it has literally become fitnah. Also we Muslim women can't be filmed or photographed, it is Haram." I said she smile.
"Yes I found the perfect person. I knew it." She said before bursting into laughter.
I stare at her confused.
"What's wrong?" I asked and she stop laughing before taking in a deep breath.
"Okay actually i was testing you. I own a daawah class where i do lecture Muslim girls or lady from the age 7-20. This is how I do test people's knowledge. I asked M.M to help me look for a sister who could help since one of the sisters that are helping me had left the country with her husband. So he suggested you. This is how I do test anyone who want to work with me." She said and i stare at her surprised.
"But, our voice isn't our awrah. Also, blogging is Haram for Muslim women. I hope i didn't twist your brain" She said and I shook my head.
"What do you do?"
"I own a primary and secondary school in Ibadan. I also own a hifz school, Monday to Wednesday for day students and Monday to Sunday for boarding students and it's only for girls. I'm not trying to brag trust me but i have over 500 student in my school and around 300 in hifz school. For the daawah classes which is only on weekends, i have around 100-200 girls that are ready to learn from me. And that's why you've never met me. I rarely come home during the holidays because of my daawah classes. If not for mum, i mean M.M mum, I wouldn't be here. She forced me here. Though M.M do visit and spend some days with me but it's never the same. I believe that I'm neglecting my duties as a wife" She said heaving a sigh.
"And is M.M complaining?" I asked and she shook her head.
"He will never complain"
"I'm sure he understands you"
"Yeah. Let's forget about that. So can you be coming over to Ibadan every weekend" She asked
"I have to inform my parents. And I will let you know about it later sha." I said and she nod.

I had dinner with the couples before M.M drove me home.


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