Chapter 13

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The prophet Muhammad SAW was asked "Oh Allah's Messenger was is the best deed" He replied " To offer the prayer at their early stated time"

Sahih Bukhari 2782


"Are you mad?" Naheemah yelled when I told her what happened in the morning. "What if he doesn't allow you to enter the house again."
"Then I'll go back to my parents house."
"And then you will ended up on the street after your dad's business crumbles down with a lot of debt on ground." Naheemah said sarcastically and i stared at her. She's right....
"But since you said he even ordered one of the driver to take you to school, then i don't think he's angry" She said and I nod.
"I should get going" I said standing up.
"Okay. Bye" She said and with that i head to the parking lot.

After a thirty minutes drive, i drove into the compound and parked the car.
"As Salam Alaykum ma'am" One of the security guards greeted and i replied. I gave him the car key before heading in.
"Welcome ma'am"  A maid said wanting to collect my bag and i shook my head.
"Thanks. Where's Ayaan" I asked.
"And why are you asking of me" Ayaan said. I looked up to see him looking at me from upstairs resting on the railings. I just shook my head and head upstairs. I wanted past him but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. I looked up to glare at him only to see him staring at my angrilly. His face had become red and his nose is flared up and he was gritting his teeth. I gasped as i quickly lowered my gaze and i could hear my heartbeat increasing.
"I'm sorry" I said and he tightened his grip around my wrist making me wince in pain.
"It's Haram to hurt your wife" I said and he smirked.
"The next time I ordered you to do something and you disobeyed it. I will show you your place. From now on, you dare not step your leg out of this house" He said gritting his teeth.
"I have school to attend" I said on the verge of tears
"I'll talk to your lecturers, all your classes will be done online, including your tests and exams. And if you disobeyed me once again, say bye bye to becoming a doctor or whatever you want to be. I'm I clear?" He asked and I nod tears rolling down my eyes. He let go of my wrist that is now turning red before leaving to his room. I walked to my room before bursting into tears.

After minutes of crying I stopped when the door open. Ayaan walked into the room and I quickly wiped my tears. He walked towards me staring at my now red and swollen face. He smirked before sitting beside me. I hate it when people smirked. Eversince Hussain had done that, i had hate it when people does it. To me, only a devil, a betrayer and a liar will always do that. He picked up my hand that is red and a little swollen. I tried to remove it from his grip but he held it more tighter making me winced in pain. Is he back to hurt me more? I thought but was proved wrong when he brought out an pain relieve ointment. He opened the lid and apply it on my wrist. After applying it, he let go of my wrist before leaving. I hissed the moment he closed the door only for him to walk back into the room.
"You look more horrible and scary go wash up."
"You son of a bitch! Do you think all your girlfriends beauty can be compared to mine. With make up on they look more uglier. You have a beautiful wife and yet you said she looks horrible." I yelled surprising both him and myself.

He stared at me surprised and i hissed before walking into the bathroom. I looked at myself at the mirror and he was right, i look horrible and scary. I took a long refreshing bath and perform my ablution before walking into the closet through the door that connect the two. After changing into a black leggings and pink round neck top with my name embroidered on it in white. It was gifted to me by Mrs. Ibrahim last month. I walked back to my room, put on my hijab before observing my missed Asr salah.


Three weeks after

"Sweethearrrrrrrrrt" Naheemah yelled walking into the room and i rolled my eyes. She pulled me into a hug and I just shook my head. She broke the hug and looked around the house.
"Ma Sha Allah. No one told me that my best friend is living in a palace. So you're the queen of your home. With so many maids at your service" She whispered the last part and I smile before we both sat down.
"You will be a fool if you let go of this man" She said and i frown.
"I don't care about money okay?" I said and she nod still looking around.
"Do you prefer the online classes" She asked after seconds of silence.
"No. It's always boring."
"Yeah just like your marriage" She said and i stared at her surprised.
"Naheemah" I called warningly but she ignored me.
"Anyways, postings are out and guess what, we are in the same hospital" She said and i jumped up excited before i pulled her into a hug.

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